1-a - flowers and secrets

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A/n: Hanahaki is a fictional disease originating from unrequited love.

Quirk: Liquid wings: The bearer of this quirk has large wings made of water. They can separate pieces from wings with their mind. Once a piece is separated, it can be formed into any sort of liquid or solidified into the solid form of said liquid.. When user wishes to fly, they can also solidify the entirety of their wings.

Drawback: User gets dehydrated very easily.

This makes a bit of no sense, but I'm still pretty proud of it. You and Bakugou have been friends since childhood.


The (h/c) haired girl looked around nervously as everyone took off their uniform jackets to reveal their short sleeved polos underneath.

"l/n san, why aren't you taking off your jacket? It's so hot! You're going to pass out!" Uraraka squealed overly worried for her good friend.

"It's okay, my quirk cools me down!" That was such a lie. She was overheating. She felt like she was one of Bakugou's explosions, or Todoroki's left side, and she was ready to melt away.

A few of her classmates glanced at her cautiously. She had been covering up more and more, even going so far as to wear leggings with her uniform.

Tokayami took a good moment to look at her. She had been avoiding him so much lately and he had no idea why. All of the teachers seemed to distract him whenever he got too close.

Aizawa walked in, taking a quick glance at y/n and beginning the lesson.

Tokayami, watched as y/n scratched her arm through her uniform. He willed himself to look away and pay attention, as she began to look around for the piercing eyes she had felt.

She desperately held back a cough as she wrote down her notes. Her arm was itching more and more and she was beginning to think she needed to leave. she raised her hand, immediately catching her sleepy teachers attention.

"Yes, l/n?" He asked, even though he knew what the question was.

"May I use the restroom?"

"of course." He nodded watching with worry filled eyes as she walked out of the door.

He opened his mouth to continue but was interrupted by multiple students hands raising.

"What?" He asked with a sigh, looking at Iida.

"This may come off as rude and inconsiderate, but truly we are just worried-"

"What the hell do you know that we don't?!" Bakugou finished for the blue haired class rep.

Aizawa was startled that even the temperamental blonde was in on the caring party.

He walked over to the door looking down the hall, he closed it, turning back to the class as he locked it.

"You know I'm breaking protocol to tell you all this right?" He asked as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

Aizawa leaned against the podium, contemplating his consequences.

Everyone leaned forward in anticipation.

"Just spit it out already!" Bakugou demanded.

"Have any of you heard of the Hanahaki disease?" All around there were gasps as Mina and Hagakure burst into tears. Todoroki and Midoriya looked down at their shoes. Bakugou seemed equally surprised as his gang crowded around Mina to comfort her. A few of the quieter people in 1-a were trying to stop the tears.

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