Shouto Todoroki-Safe

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This contains sexual assault BTW
Sorry if that's a sensitive topic, keep pepper spray with you at all times! Stay safe!


Y/n had always been a quiet kid. Maybe that's why she got along so well with Todoroki. He was kind and caring to her and when she got her quirk, she never used it around him. She felt free around him.

So when she started to use it around him too, he was worried. Herr quirk was molten orb. She could create a large encasing of lava or molten rock and put it around anyone or herself, making it float above the ground and move the orb around with simple hand movements.

Y/n had started using it to push herself or Todoroki away, if he got to close. They had been friends for at least 11 years, ever since she got her quirk and this was new to him, she never used it around him, and it was starting to get frustrating. He tried to ask her several times 'why are you pushing me away' but could never get an answer.

He had asked her on multiple occasions, but she always seemed to laugh it off and change the subject. She also avoided any and all alone time with men.

Had to go get a snack from the vending machine? Brought Mina with her.

Had to go to the bathroom? Momo was by her side.

All of the girls were constantly with her. And her quirk would constantly act up around third year students. Tamaki was talking with kirishima outside of class one day and she had missed class just to avoid going near him.

Todoroki was very worried. He texted her to meet up with him outside the school and she had texted back an okay. He sat under a large cherry blossom tree and watched as small humming birds flew from flower to flower a little ways away from him.

Y/n began to walk over to him shaking as there wasn't anyone within 300ft of the both of them. However she decided to start trusting Todoroki, and sat next to him anyway.  He sighed as he turned to her.

"What's wrong?" He stated bluntly.

"Nothing, what are you talking about?" She lied but he could see the tears forming at the rim of her eyes.

"(Y/N), please stop lying to me! I can tell there's something wrong!" Todoroki replied, gently grabbing her hand and brushing his thumb across her knuckles.

She visibly flinched, but let it happen. She could feel the tears freely streaming down her face. She sniffled, and Todoroki's gaze became softer. She cried harder when he wrapped his arms around her, she flinched again but returned the hug soon after.

In the distance he could see Uraraka, Momo, Mina, Tsu, Hagakure, and Jiro, giving him and mix of sympathetic looks and harsh glares. Uraraka even had to use her quirk on Mina to keep her from marching over to the both of them. 

Todoroki furrowed his brows, Mina had never been aggressive towards him until-

Suddenly it clicked for him. She had been avoiding third years, men, and had only been with females after that small break the school had given the students to visit their families. She had also been limping and had quite a few bruises littered across her body, almost concealed by the foundation she had put on them, but still visible to Todoroki.

She had been assaulted, or worse. He almost lit on fire then and there but he knew she was still in his arms and that would obviously hurt her, so he contained himself.

"(Y/N)?" He whispered in her ear.

"Y-Yeah?" She sniffled again.

"I think I know what happened." He whispered back. She tensed and pulled away.

"W-What do you think happened." She timidly asked him. He sighed. 

"You've been limping, avoiding men and third years, only hung out with the girls in our class, pushed me away and you haven't been talking to any of our male teachers as of late. I think I know what happened but I want you to tell me how." He explained solemnly.

Y/n's eyes widened. She never thought it would be that easy to figure out. She had only told the girls and had explained that she didn't want to tell Aizawa despite their protests. 

She sighed and sniffled again. 

"I-I, um, I was w-walking home from school last week, a-and this third year started talking to m-me, and-" She let out a sob before Todoroki took her hand in his again.

"Shh, It's okay, keep going, it's okay." He whispered reassuringly, she nodded and continued.

"H-he was being really nice at first, but then he..." She hiccupped.

"He pushed me into this alley behind that soba shop we like to go to, a-and." She stopped not wanting to remember that awful moment. Todoroki nodded in understanding. He pulled her into a hug and softly pet her hair in a calming manner. She sighed into his uniform jacket. 

He swore to himself in that moment that he would not let anyone else touch her until his last breath.

"Who was it?" He asked, his voice gentle as he watched Mina in the distance who looked like a confused puppy. 

"It was N-Nero from the Gen-General department." Y/n whispered he nodded and gently lifted the both of them off of the ground, his training coming in handy at this moment. Y/n squeaked and gripped him tighter.  He carried her over to the group of girls and set her down next to Uraraka. She looked at him in confusion but he just said a simple-

"Trust me." 

As she opened her mouth to protest, she could see Nero come into view from around the schools field. She visibly stiffened, and Todoroki followed her gaze to see the asshole third year smirking as if he was proud of what he had done. 

Todoroki's eyes narrowed as he saw him. He began his trek towards the slightly shorter male only to be stopped when Y/n jumped to grab Todoroki's arm in an attempt to stop him. Instead Uraraka grabbed her arm and made her float, allowing Todoroki to waltz up to the third year, proceed to sock him in the face, freeze him, and walk back. 

Everyone on the school campus watched in shock as Todoroki, walked inside as if nothing had happened. Ochaco let Y/n go as Momo caught her. Y/n simply stood there watching as Nero's friends tried to melt the ice with their multiple quirk but it only seemed to freeze over again.

Todoroki soon returned Aizawa in tow and pointed towards the broken nosed third year. Aizawa nodded and walked over to the many crowding students and glared down at the previously respected boy. He grabbed him by the collar as Todoroki melted all of the ice around him.

Everyone watched in awe as the first year teacher dragged the boy who was grabbing and pleading for his release.


The next day everyone heard of the previous U.A. student who ended up receiving a life sentence.

As Todoroki walked in the next day he was crowded with people asking what had happened that made him do that. He simply shrugged and walked over to Y/n asking if she was 'okay' or if 'you needed anything'. She was surprised and simply told him not to worry and that she was fine. She could see relief flood into his eyes as he grasped her hand. just as he had done the previous day under the cherry blossom tree.

And it was then Y/n realized that this boy, with his bluntness and simple gestures, made her feel safe and secure.

And she loved him for it.

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