Midoriya - hair dye **small drabble**

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*mainly fluff, but kinda season four spoilers, got this idea from a tik tok**

I know there aren't showers in each form, but there are in this chapter.

Midoriya paused as he walked past the hair dye section, his hat pulled low. He wandered into the aisle, looking up at the blonde section.

Y/n looked around for her boyfriend, seeing his green hair poking out of his hat coming out of one of the aisles.

"There you are! Where did you even go?"

"Well... I saw some hair dye and I thought what if I...."

"Oh my gosh that would look awesome on you!"

"Not full blonde, just streaks."


"You'll see it when it's done."


Midoriya sat down on the chair in his off bathroom, looking down at the bleach in his hand. He took a deep breath ripping open the lid of the box and pulling out the small tube.

He began preparing the paste, letting music play quietly from his phone in the background.

He brushed the bluish goo into parts of his hair, smiling to himself as he looked at the results.

He hopped into the shower rinsing all of the dye out of his bright hair, he dried it off, stepping in front of the mirror.

He smiled widely, picking up his phone.

"Hey babe what's up?" Y/n's voice greeted form the other end.

"Come to my dorm."


"You'll see."

"Okay I guess...?" She responded hanging up then phone.

Midoriya excitedly over though his dorm, staring at a certain poster on his wall.

"Babe?" Y/n called as she opened the door. She saw him, gasping immediately.

"Y-you look like-" she cut herself off as she engulfed him into a hug, also looking at the Sir night eye poster on his wall.

"I miss my dad so much." She whispered.

"Me too."

BNHA Oneshots and drabbles Volume -1-Where stories live. Discover now