Bakugou - Candy corn (Halloween drabble cuz I'm nice)

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@snarky_blonde please enjoy :)

Quirk: Angel

Y/n smiled to herself as Bakugou shoved a single piece of candy corn in his mouth, moving it around to look like teeth when he growled.

It matched his werewolf costume well, though it clashed with her angel costume, her large wings flapping out behind her as she laid on the ground next to the couch.

Bakugou resisted the urge to laugh himself, watching as she tried to do the same thing, failing miserably. She sat up frowning as she looked up at him, he watched as she pulled them off of her teeth, grumbling angrily.

"I don't have big enough teeth!" She whined, chomping on the small piece of candy instead. Bakugou scoffed, motioning for her to open her mouth, she complied, looking into his eyes as he easily pushed a piece of candy corn onto her canine tooth.

"See, you just need the magic touch I guess." Bakugou smirked, leaning back against the couch, crossing his arms.

She rolled her eyes, punching his shoulder lightly, he, in return, threw a piece of candy at her, watching in defeat as she easily caught it, ripping it open and eating it.

She lifted herself onto the couch crossing her legs and facing him as he shifted to face her as well.

"Let's play a trivia game, we ask each other questions about ourselves and if the other person gets it right they get candy."

"Fine, I'll go first, what's my favorite food?"

"Easy, anything spicy."

"Eh, I'll give it to you even though you were broad." Bakugou shrugged, handing her a (favorite candy).

She smiled to herself, tapping her chin in thought.

"Oh, I know, who is my favorite hero?"

"(Favorite hero)."

"Yep." She sighed, handing him one of those hot and spicy candies.

"Who is my favorite hero?" Bakugou asked, stealing her question.

"All might."


"Then who is it?"


"That's adorable."

"Eh, I'm not adorable, get the fuck outta here."

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