Aizawa - could it be... *Slight crack chapter*

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Yamada sang a small tune as he teased Aizawa, walking towards their first class. Shirakumo walked with them, laughing as Aizawa glared at Yamada.

"Could it be... love~" Yamada teased, doing a small spin. Aizawa froze in his tracks, causing both Shirakumo and Yamada to turn in surprise.

Aizawa resumed walking, trying to walk faster so they couldn't question but they ran after him easily.

"WHO IS IT?!" Shirakumo yelled, grabbing Aizawa's shoulders. Yamada nearly passed out, screaming loudly before Aizawa erased his quirk.

"WHO IS ITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT?!" Shirakumo yelled again, Aizawa covered his ears, continuing to walk down the hallway despite his friends yelling at him to come back.

He pushed open the door to the classmate, sitting down in his chair with a thud.

A young girl ran up to him smiling.

"Hey Aizawa! What's up? You seem kinda down." Y/n asked, sitting down next to him in her own chair. He leaned against his desk, smiling at her slightly.

The door burst open Aizawa's smile dropping. Yamada and Shirakumo.

He sat up straighter, his head down as Y/n nodded in understanding.

"They've been bothering you huh?" She poked his arm. Yamada ran over to them.

"Y/N DO YOU KNOW WHO HE HAS A CRUSH ON?!" Y/n's head tilted in pain, holding the bridge of her nose.

"No Yamada, I don't know who he has a crush on." She hissed back, Yamada sighed, walking back out of the classroom, Shirakumo on his tail.

"Why the hell didn't you stop his quirk."

"If I mad eye contact he would have strangled me."

"I guess you're right."


( I couldn't find who he worked under during his UA times, so uh, here)

Aizawa stared up at the large agency shock written all over his face.

"You coming?" Y/n teased, punching his shoulder. He sighed following her through the doors of the agency, their mentor greeting them once they were inside.

"Ah! Eraserhead and Halo! Welcome!" The hero explained what they would be doing during their patrols, though most patrols would be at night they would go on an early one for the day.

They exited the building making their way through the city, checking for suspicious activity.

A small scream came from behind the trio, causing all to turn quickly running towards the commotion.

Aizawa lowly growled when he realized the villains quirk was physical meaning he couldn't erase it. The villain was tall with a quirk that added horns to his head, he was knocking over things and people, running around and causing general chaos.

"Aizawa you've been working n your physical strength lately, correct?" Y/n asked, grabbing his arm.

He nodded, confused.

"Well now's your time to shine." She finished, easily lifting off of the ground with her wings flying closer and closer to the villain. She landed behind him throwing a halo to wrap around the villains legs as Aizawa restrained him.

Their mentor smiled, impressed.

"Keep that same energy for tomorrow, we need heroes like you to keep the city safe."

As the villain was apprehended and taken away, Y/n threw an arm over Aizawa's shoulders a large smile spreading across her face.

"Sorry I threw you into the fight without a warning! I just thought to fast I guess." She laughed, Aizawa scoffed.

"It's okay, I thought faster."


Aizawa took a deep breath as he walked into class. Sitting down silently in his chair.

Y/n sat next to him, also silent.

They never really expected Oboro to disappear without a trace.

They both sat in mourning occasionally glancing at each other. Aizawa remained void of emotions while Y/n occasionally sniffled.

Yamada walked in equally down in the dumps but still trying to keep their spirits up.

He sat down with them, as Y/n sighed.

"Nothing is going to ever be the same, huh?"


Aizawa glared down at the twenty teenagers standing in front of him, all of them refusing to stay quiet during class.

"God you remind me of when I was in highschool here."

"We do?"

"I suppose. I had maybe three friends when I was in highschool.

Y/n L/n, Hizashi Yamada and another one."

"Are you guys still friends?"

"Most of us, yes."

The door slid open, a second year teacher walking in.

"Hey, I need some papers."

"Yeah sure, here L/n."

"Wait L/n? Like, as in the one from your highschool?" Y/n's eyes looked up at Midoriya as he asked the question.

"Why? Is there something wrong with that?" She hissed, her eyes narrowing and her eyebrow raising.

Aizawa rolled his eyes.

"You sound like Miss Koro." He teased. Poking her side.

Her head shot up to gape at him.

"I do not!"

"Sure do. If you keep scaring my kids you might wake up with grey hair." Aizawa continued.

Y/n scoffed, gritting her teeth.

"I thought you said you were still friends!" Mina whimpered.

"You told them we were just friends."

"I told them I was still friends with MOST of my highschool buddies."

"So they still don't know you're married."

"YOU'RE WHAT?!" Present Mic yelled, running through the door.

"Mic, you were the best man at my wedding."

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