5...Bakugou - pardon?

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(Let's pretend in japan you take the man's last name and not the woman's)

"You will marry a royal whether you agree or not!"

"But Father-"

"NO! You will marry prince Todoroki!" The man with increasingly greying hair yelled at his daughter, his voice raising in volume each time she tried to deny his plan.

"But I don't love him!"

"I don't care!"

Y/n's hand flew to her mouth, a shocked sob falling from her mouth.

She turned and ran out the front doors of the castle, her legs not stopping till she reached the river nearly a mile away.

She crashed to the ground, panting. Sticks, weeds, and dirt clung to the edge of her dress, her tears melding with the large stream of water she leaned over.

"Oi! You're in my damn territory- Oh, it's you, wait, the fuck, why are you crying?"

Y/n only sobbed in response, choking on her own tears.

"uh, shit, I uh, don't usually help with this, uhm, are you- uh, are you okay dipshit?"

Y/n tried to speak again, her chest heaving too quickly for the words to become real.

"M-My father" She was cut off by her own sob.

"Is forcing m-me to marry p-prince Todoroki." Y/n hesitantly lifted her head to make eye contact with Bakugou, his brows furrowed, expression clearly showing how angry he was.

Bakugou sat and brainstormed with Y/n for a moment, trying to figure out how to free her from the bondage of her parent's decisions.

"You still owe me that favor, right? The one from when I pulled you out of the river when you fell in?"

"Yeah, so what dipshit?"

"I want your tribe to kidnap me."

Bakugou froze.

"Pardon?" If anything that was the most proper sentence Y/n had ever heard Bakugou say.

"I want your tribe to kidnap me! You get me away from the castle I hide out in the forest somewhere and I'll be out of your hair in no time!"

"That's a dumbass idea."

"You've got a better one?"


Bakugou sighed heavily as he stared up at the second story of the large tower in front of him, he stepped over to the large red dragon to his left, hopping on the large beast's back, grumbling to himself about his stupidity.

He reached into the satchel at his hip, pulling out a small twig and chucking it at the window of the tower, watching as the curtains opened and a very tired, but ready, Y/n stepped out.

"Do you have everything dumbass?"

"Yes, and stop calling me that, I'm royalty remember?"

"Not after today."

"Fair enough." Y/n took a few steps back into her room, planting her dominant foot in the wood and sprinting towards the window. As her foot landed on the window sill, she pushed, landing in the awaiting arms of a very agitated Bakugou.

"Let's get outta here."


Y/n smiled as she entered the tribe village, staring at the nomad's tents. Bakugou's tribe was a large group of people that migrated throughout the same area in random patterns, that of which a game of darts decided.

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