Bakugou - gardens and crowns

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Sorry I haven't uploaded much, I'm moving so I'm kinda stressed
Prince AU, (he is a royal, not the barbarian prince)

Song is what the 'woman' sings

Bakugou strode through the gardens, his hands calmly placed at his sides.

His eyes lazily scanned the large field of flowers, his mind slipping away. He listened closely to the small sounds of the wind and the birds cawing in the distance, his eyes slowly closing in a peaceful manner. (That is a weird word.... cawing....)

His eyes snapped open as a new sound erupted in the distance. A woman's singing. She sang elegantly the sound of the garden's piano accompanying her angelic voice.

He approached the woman, staying out of her vision and stood behind her as her fingers glided gracefully across the piano keys.

He watched in awe and wonder as she seemingly effortlessly mesmerising him. She finished the song, taking a deep breath, she stood up from the large stool placed behind the piano. She looked up making eye contact with the half smiling man.

"Ah! Your highness! I'm so sorry that I interrupted your walk in the gardens!" She apologised, curtsying. He shook his head walking towards her. She cowered in fear, her hands trembling.

"What's your name foreigner?" Bakugou asked, his cocky side showing. She flushed red.

"Y-Y/n! Y/n l/n." She stuttered out, her hands flying to her face in embarrassment.

"Are you a royal?" He questioned, gently pushing a strand of her hair behind her ear.

She nodded shyly.

"The Entirellianas kingdom..." she mumbled. Bakugou nodded, they were close trading partners with the rather small barbarian kingdom. 

He led her out of the garden listening closely to her nervous chatter, she seemed uncomfortable, possibly anxious, but as the day flew by and they talked more and more, she grew more and more comfortable with him.

They rested on a small bench in the garden once again, looking up at the star filled sky. He gently took her hand in his own, as she smiled greatly at him.

"Will I ever see you again dear?" He asked, turning towards her. She blushed at the nickname he had given her.

"I truly don't know your highness." She responded, solemn. He scoffed, cupping her cheek.

"I told you to call me Katsuki..." he whispered, staring into her eyes. She gulped, letting her impulse take over, she leaned forward interlocking their lips. She pulled away, giggling. He rolled his eyes, giving her a 'look'.

"Just in case I never see you again..." he whispered, sliding a ring off of his middle finger. It was a dark blue sapphire placed in the middle of a golden band. She unhooked her necklace, placing it on the small string.

"PRINCESS L/N!" One of the servants called from the edge of the garden. The two stood sharing one last kiss before the girl ran off leaving for what seemed like forever.


"You know Katsuki, since you are king now, you must find a queen!" Katsuki's mother had begun to pester him relentlessly about finding a Queen to rule with him.

"Ah shut up old hag!"

Katsuki's father sighed as they sat at the large table. The food was placed before them as the other two Bakugou-s bickered loudly.




Bakugou grit his teeth as he stood in front of the throne, staring out at the large ballroom filled with princesses and maidens from other kingdoms.

He cleared his throat, the room going silent in seconds.

"Line up, state your name and your kingdom." He ordered. Many rushed to be first in line as they curtseyed and ran off after he shook his head. The end of line finally came as the lady few princesses introduced themselves.

He waved his hand, rolling his eyes as one burst out crying. He furrowed his brows, scanning the larger crowd once more.

"Where is the Entirellianis kingdom?" He barked, the crowd was hushed glancing between themselves.

"That kingdom was raided a few months ago your highness." A voice spoke out in the crowd. They stepped forward, their black cloak pulled low.

"Show yourself." Bakugou demanded, his voice almost shaky.

The woman pulled down her hood, showing her (long, short, medium) (h/c) hair.

"Only one survived." She said stoically.

Bakugou smirked.

"And who might that be?" He asked cockily.

"Her highness Y/n L/n. Pleasured to see you once more... Katsuki." She smiled, hanging him the ring once more.

He looked up at her grinning. The entire crowd watching in utter confusion.

"I'm so glad you're alright..." he whispered, pulling her into a hug.

"I had to be there to see you again, right?"


"Kids!" Y/n called from the door of the training room.

"Yes mommy?" They asked in unison, running over.

"It's bedtime." She reminded.

"Awwww! But uncle Kirishima was going to show us his dragon form! Aunt Mina was watching too!" They whined.

Y/n chuckled looking past them at said family members.

"Uncle Kirishima can show you his dragon form tomorrow. For now the maids are going to give the both of you-" she hopped their noses "a bath."

She smiled as they ran off with the maid.

Bakugou walked down the hall towards her, his arm slipping around her waist.

"Did you know Kirishima was going to show them his dragon form?"

"He was going to what now?"

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