Midoriya - Awards and Mothers *sd*

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Ya'll aren't ready for this one.

As citizens and heroes alike stared with wide and shock ridden eyes, Y/n cried and sobbed helplessly, clinging to the body of a man who had given her the happiest years of her life.

The ring on her left hand gleamed brightly in the hot sun as the body of the, now former, number one hero lay lifeless on the cold ground, crashed buildings, rubble, and debris surrounded the pair, along with the watching eyes of the public.

Another sob was heard in the crowd, from none other than Inko Midoriya herself, pushing her way to the crowd as Mitsuki tried in vain to hold her back from the horrible sight she was pushing towards.

As Y/n clung to the bright green costume Midoriya wore, she tried to shake him, begging for his soul's return to his body.

Bakugou slowly made his way towards them as well, tears streaming down his face, but no other sign of emotion present.

He sat down next to Y/n, pulling her into a hug as Inko ran towards them, crashing to her knees and sobbing as her son. The only man other than her husband she loved more than anything.

The paramedics pushed through their remorse, walking solemnly over to pick up the body and cover it with a white sheet, despite the pleads and cries of the two women near it.

As Y/n watched the bright green hair be covered with the heavy white blanket, she turned back to bury her face into Bakugou's chest. His arms were wrapped firmly around her, the only sense of reality she could feel other than that of Midoriya's death.

"It should have been me!"

Bakugou's eyes snapped down to stare at the red and puffy face of Y/n Midoriya. The woman who had graduated from highschool, gotten married into the Midoriya family, and been legally removed from it by death and law all in a single month.

Inko forced her body to move and crawl over to the two young pro heroes.

"N-No dear... he... he w-wouldn't have wanted that..." Inko cried wrapping her own arms around the girl.

Y/n was snapped back into reality as the light shone on her, a forced smile appearing on her face as she hid the small reward behind her back.

"My name is Y/n Midoriya, or former pro hero (your choice), and I am here to present the junior all might award. This reward is presented to the youngest top ten hero during the time of awards. This award is presented in remembrance of the former number one hero, Deku, or Izuku Midoriya."

Y/n turned to see the top ten heroes standing to her left all smiling sympathetically at her.

"Dynamight, Katsuki Bakugou, please come receive this reward." Y/n smiled, pulling the reward out from behind her back. Bakugou sighed to himself, walking slowly over to her.

"Thank you." He whispered as he took the rabbit-mask shaped reward from her hands.

She only hugged him a single tear slipping from her eye.

"You deserve it."

A voice was heard from the crowd, cheering loudly for them.

"You go uncle Katsuki! Great job Mom!" A young boy with green hair and (e/c) eyes yelled, clapping and jumping excitedly.

Bakugou only chuckled, grabbing Y/n's hand gently and lifting it, as the crow cheered louder.

"For you Izuku." He said into the Mic, pointing at the young boy.

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