Bakugou - suits and dresses

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Honestly I just want to rub it in everyone's faces that I got to watch the movie. Especially you sam, especially you


"This is amazing! He cleared it in 15 seconds! He's in first place!"

Bakugou smirked as he finished the robot villain test, He jogged over to where Y/n was waiting, chuckling.

"Not bad explosion boy."


Y/n laughed, as she stepped up to the platform her wings unfolding.


Y/n shot into the air quickly taking out two robots with halo's as she kicked another one, she pushed off the robot hitting the last two robots with halos.

"Cleared...15.5 seconds!"

Bakugou scoffed as his best friend fist pumped the air, flying over to him.

"How's that for number two?"

"Oh shut up..."


"Kachaan! People are watching!" Y/n shook her head as she flew up to float next to Bakugou.


"Katsuki! Don't be so rude!" Y/n scolded, slapping the back of his head much like his mother would.

Midoriya's eyes lit up as he saw the girl, rubbing the back of his neck nervously as Y/n floated over the railing and pulled him into a hug. Bakugou growled angrily, glaring at the greenette.

"It's nice to see you-" She started being cut off by someone touching her wings. She froze tensing and turning red as Melissa gently rubbed a hand over the delicate feathers.

Y/n's breathing sped up to a rapid pace as Midoriya stuttered to get Melissa to stop.


Melissa's hand retracted in embarrassment as she profusely apologized.

"Oh it's okay-"

A large ice cracking sound was heard and everyone turned to see Todoroki in the rink his ice covering all of the robots.

"Fourteen seconds! He jumped to the top!"

Bakugou's forehead vein popped out and Y/n rolling her eyes as Bakugou jumped the railing to try and fight Todoroki. She turned back to greet the others.

"Is she in your class too Midoriya?"

"Oh no, she goes to Shiketsu on the other side of Japan."

"Sorry, I don't know why I keep getting interrupted today. I'm L/n Y/n, but you can call me Y/n, I'm a close friend of Bakugou and Midoriya's, I used to go to primary school with them before I moved."

"You're all so cool! As expected of future heroes, especially you Y/n!" Everyone blushed including Y/n as Melissa made the bashful comment.


Bakugou's loud yelling could be heard clearer as the crowd started to murmur.

"well, I'm off to control the beast, see you guys later!" Y/n smiled, vaulting over the railing and picking up Bakugou by the arm pulling him into the sky as he tried to thrash out of her grip.

"They seem happy together!" Melissa commented.

"Oh, truth be told, if they were dating, Y/n wouldn't have been able to hug me like that!"


Bakugou sighed as he thought about the formal"

"It's not like I brought formal clothes anyway. I'm not gonna go listen to some guys I don't know give speeches and then clap for them. It's dumb." Bakugou scoffed as Kirishima rambled about the party.

Y/n giggled.

"I brought you a suit, and I'm pretty sure Kirishima did too." Y/n smiled from the bed on her side of the room. Bakugou and Kirishima were bunking together and Y/n had her own, smaller, bed.

Bakugou shot up from his bed his glare switching between his two best friends.


"You can choose! Personally I like Kirishima's choice better, your mom picked out the one I brought." Y/n cringed, staring down at the brown suit.

Bakugou tapped his foot impatiently as he and Kirishima waited for Y/n to come out of the bathroom.

"Sorry, I was having trouble getting the dress over my wings!" Y/n apologized as she walked out of the bathroom, Kirishima and Bakugou froze as they saw her, their eyes widening.

She was wearing a black flowy dress, nothing too formal, but enough to catch both boy's eyes.

Bakugou noticed Kirishima staring too and harshly elbowed his side, as Y/n picked up the small white purse to go with her.

"Lets go!"


"Are you absolutely sure this is the right way?" Bakugou hissed as Kirishima led Y/n and the blonde down the hall. Bakugou occasionally stole glances at the girl next to him, before he reverted back to glaring at the back of Kirishima's head.

"I think it is..."

"You think!?"

"Well, actually I left my phone in the room..."

"Jesus Kirishima you'd think you need someone to make sure your head is still screwed on." Y/n laughed.


Bakugou landed after his attack on the villain, unprepared for the villains new attack coming straight at him.

"BAKUGOU!" y/n yelled pushing both him and herself out of the way as Kirishima blocked the attack.

They rolled for a little bit as Y/n called Kirishima's name, growling to herself as he didn't answer, the villain turned to fight them again, glaring.

"Y/n..." Bakugou hissed. Y/n turned to see him, turning red as she saw her hands were rested on his chest and she was basically in his lap.



Bakugou smirked as he stood on the large remains of where the villain fight had just taken place, multiple UA students surrounding him as he stood off to the side.

"Bakugou! How are your hands? I know you used your quirk too much today!" Y/n called, running over and pulling his hand out of his pocket to examine it, it was raw and dry, unlike his usual sweaty palms. Her unhurt wing unfolded from behind her, fanning the hot digits of his hand.

He sighed in relief as the cool air washed over him, he tilted his head to the side to see Y/n's eyes under her unruly hair. She was tired, that was a sure thing, but she seemed happy as well.

Melissa and Midoriya ran up the hill to see All might as the others stayed behind.

Y/n yawned loudly, leaning against Bakugou weakly.

"I'm so tired." She whined, Bakugou chuckled, his arms reaching to lift her legs to around his waist as she squeaked in surprise.

"What? You're tired." He smirked, she rolled her eyes, leaning into him as her arms wrapped around his neck.

"Thank you..." She whispered, her eyes fluttering closed as her grip on him became weak.

He smiled softly before hearing a few snickers behind him.

"Looks like Bakugou finally found love!" Uraraka teased.

"WE'RE JUST FRIENDS" He whispered yelled at the shorted brown haired girl, she only laughed quietly waving it off as Momo snickered behind her.

"You don't act like it." Todoroki commented, causing Mineta to cough.

"OH SHUT UP!" Bakugou whisper yelled again, hugging Y/n closer.

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