1-a - I... I CAN see her though....

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Quirk: Invisible touch: When touching anything with only their pointer and thumb, they can turn anything invisible, including themselves. Drawback is they can become very dizzy and emotional at times.

Y/n looked around at her debating classmates with furrowed brows. Watching closely as Todoroki and Bakugou yelled over whether Toru had brown hair or blue hair.

"Uhh.... g-guys?" She called putting to her class.

"Not now, we're trying to figure out what color no show's hair is!" Bakugou hissed.

"B-but- why don't you ask me?" She asked, everyone rolled their eyes.

"She's invisible It's not like you can SEE her." Kamanari shrugged.

"I.... I can see her though..." She mumbled. Everyone froze.

"WHAT?!" The room called out in unison, causing Y/n to gulp.


"You mean to tell me, you could see her this entire time.. and you never said anything."

"Well.. uh.. yeah.. but like... you can see her too..."

"Y/n, I hate to break it to you, but to us she's invisible." Todoroki gestured at the floating clothes in question.

"No, I know, I just... if I use my quirk she.. uh... her quirk stops..." She confessed, as Toru nodded.

"WHAT?!" The room called again.

"Show us." Todoroki demanded.

"Now." Bakugou finished. Pushing Y/n towards her sister.

"O-Ok." She responded, reaching towards her sister and touching her cheek.

A large flash of color spread across the formerly invisible girl.


The class gasped as a black haired girl with large blue eyes appeared. Her hair was pulled into space buns, a styling choice no one ever got to see.

She waved to the absolutely silent class, turning as Aizawa walked in the door.

"Who in the hell is that." Aizawa demanded, hand reaching for his scarf.

"W-Wait! It's Toru!" Y/n pleaded, once again touching her sister to make her go back.

"If I erase your quirk she won't turn visible again." Aizawa demanded, his hair raising. His eyes narrowed as Toru stayed invisible.

"Well isn't that shit I never thought I'd see." Aizawa mumbled.

Y/n touched Hagakure again, bringing back her visible side.

"KEEP HER LIKE THIS SHE'S REALLY CUTE!!" Mina yelled, her pan side coming out (again, another headcannon**)

Y/n giggled as Hagakure blushed, hiding behind Y/n.

"I normally don't have to hide.."

"I can turn you back?"

"Yes please.."

BNHA Oneshots and drabbles Volume -1-Where stories live. Discover now