7...Aizawa - Shinsou's mom

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"Hey mom..."

"Oh god, what did you do?!"

"I didn't do anything I swear! Uhm, it's just, Aizawa sensei wants to talk to you."

"Oh no. Did you get in a fight? Hun, I told you to just ignore the comments on your quirk."

"No mom, it's been okay lately, Aizawa sensei just wanted to talk."

Y/n sighed as her purple haired son defended himself.

"I'll be there in ten."

"Love you mom!"

"Love you too Toshi."

Y/n set the phone down, leaning against the counter. Lately, Hitoshi had been getting into less fights, but occasionally, there were still a few each month, this was a different call, not that from the school or a teacher, but her mind still raced to the same conclusion.

She grabbed her keys, kissing the cat's head before running out the door and to her car. She hopped in, pushing the key into it's slot and turning on the ignition.

Her grip on the steering wheel was tight, an intense stare on the road as she made her way to U.A. high.

She pulled into the large parking lot of the equally large building, parking and walking up the steps to the double doors.

She pushed them open, turning to walk towards class 1-a where the youngest Shinsou was usually found, in trouble.

She knocked on the door, hearing a 'come in' and opened it, pausing when she saw only her son and teacher, not her son, teacher, and another student.

"Ah, Ms. Shinsou. Please sit, we have a topic to discuss."

Y/n hesitantly sat in the seat next to her sun, ruffling his hair first.

"I'm sorry if he got in another fight." She started, apologizing to the gruff black haired teacher in front of her.

"Oh, I see why that would be your concern, but that is not why you are here. See, Hitoshi here has amazing potential, as do most of my students. However, he is not in the hero course, thus pushing his potential to the side."

Y/n glanced at Hiroshi excitedly. Leaning over to nudge his shoulder.

"I would like to personally train Hitoshi as, say, an apprentice, or a side kick. Helping him work up to maybe place in the next sports festival."

"Would you want to do that Toshi?" The purple haired boy nodded enthusiastically.

"Mom, is that even a question?"

"No, but I just like to make sure you're okay with it before I sign something."

"Oh, there would be no legal documents, think of it as more of a, family friend type deal, no payment, just a favor because I see his potential."

"That would be great!"


Hitoshi huffed as he walked into the cold house, feeling refreshed at the cool air coating his sweaty skin.

"Toshi! There's some Tokayaki on the counter! I'm working late today, sorry!" Y/n's voice called from her office.

She was a PA, or personal assistant, and she loved her job. Working for the Yaoyorozu's was easy, considering they paid well, and didn't push her limits.

Hitoshi smiled to himself, mumbling a quick thanks, though he knew his mother heard it.

She was a woman with an intense quirk, that of hearing things nearly miles away if she wished, or into peoples thoughts, hence where Hitoshi got the 'mind' part of his quirk. His late father (who left Y/n when she was pregnant and died in a car crash after running away) had the ability to control the movements of a person's body, hence the 'control' part of Hitoshi's quirk.

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