Todoroki - calm down

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REQUESTED BY @Alyssajj11 !! I'm so fucking sorry it took this long :( ill do better I promise

Quirk: telepathy, user can lift things to a certain extent, if they can lift it with their body, they can lift it with their mind. When using their power Their hands and eyes glow red. When user is overworked they loose control over their powers and mind, eventually hurting the people around them, unless calmed down. When their power goes out of control they have a stronger range of what they can lift and shift.
Watch to 2:40

Y/n headache seemed to get worse and worse as she fought the villain with her class, she was trying her hardest to protect her injured classmates as they tried to run.

Eventually the villain was restrained leaving her classmates to loosen up a bit.  She stayed tense, Todoroki noticed beginning his walk towards her.

Y/n paced the field, gripping her head as her hands turned crimson. She let out a small sob as a few tears rolled down her face.

"Y/n, listen to my voice." He whispered.

"Listen to you listen to them! It's always listen listen LISTEN!" She screamed trying to suppress her quirk.

She tried to hold back a scream as a nearby tree began to rip in half. She let out another cry as her classmates began running to get Aizawa and the other pros.

"Remember your training. We'll get through this." Todoroki whispered slowly inching towards her.

"I can't control it, it's like I'm ripping apart." She managed to gasp, Todoroki took another step forward, ice slowly moving from his foot towards her leg.

"You can get over this believe me."  Todoroki spoke again, watching as Bakugou slowly came up behind her.

"Everything is so loud." Y/n cried.

"Just focus, breath and stay calm." Todoroki coaxed, signaling Bakugou to step farther back.

"Try not to loose control, your powers will just get more dangerous." Todoroki whispered.

Y/n froze, turning around as Bakugou began glowing red moving towards her quickly as Todoroki tried to intervene.

"Everything about my power is dangerous." She hissed at bakugou.

"Y/n let him go." Todoroki demanded. Bakugou was thrown further away, coughing as he shakily pushed himself up.

"Y/n I don't want to fight you." Bakugou spoke, slowly walking back towards her.

"I just want to help."

"I don't want your help." She hissed, one hand gripping her head. Her eyes turned red again.

"I want to crush you." She snarled at him, he choked as his hand gripped at his throat gasping for air.

"Y/n that's enough." Todoroki yelled over Bakugou's wheezing.

"I said that's enough." He yelled at her. She finally stopped watching as Bakugou finally coughed taking in the air he so desperately needed.

"Y/n he's on our side." Todoroki tried to reassure her. Pushing Bakugou away as he kept coughing for air.

"Then why isn't everyone else?!" Y/n yelled her hands gripping her head again.

"Face it Shoto, I was never good enough for you." She cried, he gently pulled her hands away from her hair, holding her wrists in place as he pulled her into a hug.

"No, all we ever wanted was for you to reach your true potential. I'm sorry, we pushed you too hard" he apologized watching as Aizawa ran quickly towards them, he ran away past Bakugou. Skidding to a stop as Todoroki let her go again.

"L/n do you think you can control it now." Aizawa asked stepping towards her cautiously. She shook her head another sob escaping her mouth.

Aizawa took a deep breath, his hair beginning to float as his own eyes turned red. Y/n's quirk faded away, as she slowly crumpled into Todoroki's arms, going unconscious as he eased her to the ground.

"You did great today L/n, we just need you to get some rest."

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