Bakugou- Love stories and love confessions

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*heavily implied blood* *fighting*

Fun fact: one of the reasons Bakugou wouldn't show anyone his room, was because he has multiple romance novels and manga.

Everything seemed to go in slow motion as he watched his fellow pro hero get throw across the field they were in.

Bakugou's legs carried him as fast as they could to be by her side. He left his friends to deal with the villain on their own. He landed with a thud as he hurriedly searched for a way to stop her heavy bleeding.

"K-Katsuki," She whispered, coughing harshly. He ignored her, ripping his shirt so he could wrap it around her wound.

"Ba-Bakugou, please-"

"No, shut up, your going to be ok!" He demanded lifting her into his arms.

"Go, s-stop the v-villain, please, l-leave me here." She begged, trying to pull away.

"NO. You wanna know why, because I never got to tell you!" He hissed. Adrenaline fueling his movements. He ran as quickly as he could, keeping her close to his chest. He could see her eyes flutter shut in his peripheral vision, giving him even more reason to run faster.

He rounded the corner of some buildings spotting the paramedics.

A few spotted him and ran over helping her on to a stretcher and wheeling her away. His knees crumbled beneath him as he watched the lights fade into the distance.

'We're only 16. She shouldn't have been put in that position...'

He looked down at his hands, that were planted firmly on the ground for support. He let out a strained scream as tears rippled down his cheeks. Someone's arms wrapped around him as he struggled to stand. He was lifted into an ambulance by his best friend. Eventually being wheeled off in the same way she had.


Bakugou flipped the page of the book he was reading with great interest.

'There is no way this fucker is going to leave Lyrale for Milllia.'

His eyes narrowed as he read through the page, envisioning the scene in his head.

'This little-'

His thoughts were cut short by a soft knock on the door. He quickly shoved the book under his pillow as the nurse walked in looking down at her clipboard.

"Mr. Bakugou?" She asked, looking up at him.

"What?" He hissed, annoyed his peace had been disrupted.

"Another patient has requested your presence. Her name was y/n l/n I believe."

Bakugou was up and following within seconds.

The nurse gestured towards a door with a smile, leaving Bakugou to have his moment.

He gently pushed the door open. Being met with the many faces of his classmates. He shoved past most of them and sat on the chair next to her.

"Hey Kat." She weakly greeted, causing a face of relief and sympathy to pass over his features.

"Hey dollface."

She talked with her classmates a small sense of guilt washing over Bakugou. She was pretty beaten, being forced to reside in the hospital for a week. He stayed quiet letting her have a good time, as to not ruin it with his personality. Soon most of their classmates had left, leaving only a few left, they were conversing with one another about training and such. Leaving Bakugou and Y/n to their own little bubble.

Her shaky hand reached out for his, grasping it with a tenderness he never knew she could possess.

"Katsuki." He lifted his head, meeting her eyes, as he held back tears. She nodded and turned back to her classmates, willing them to leave.

Her grip grew stronger as she pulled him into her arms.

He tried to hold back the tears, but ultimately failed. His arms snaked around her waist as his tears silently soaked her hospital gown. She ran a comforting hand through his hair. whispering sweet nothings to him.

He pulled away, covering his face out of embarrassment. She smiled, enjoying the moment of peace.

"Kat, when you saved me you said there was something you needed to say." She whispered causing him to tense.

His eyes met her's again as he bit his lip. His fingernails dug into his skin as he clenched his fist.

She waited patiently until she noticed the blood dripping from his palms.

"Kat! Oh god, why did you do that." She hissed hitting the button on her remote to call for a nurse.

The nurse walked in bandaging his palms and scolding him for being so overdramatic.

He sighed staring at his newly bandaged hands, thinking about what to say.

"You don't have to-"

"No I do, believe me, I do."

One of her hands reached up to his hair again playing with one of he strands. She knew he would need a moment.

"Y/n." She was almost startled at his use of formalities, where did the nicknames go??

"I know this is going to end badly, but I really need to say it."

She looked at him curiously, her slight head tilt only making it harder for him to admit.

"I-I know that we've known each other since we were in diapers, and I know we promised to always be friends, but I was kind of hoping to change that."

Her eyes widened as tears formed in her eyes.

"Nononono, not like that, I still want to be with you , but in a more...

Intimate way?" He asked biting his lip again.

She stopped her hand dropping to her side.

"Dammit, I-I knew I shouldn't have said that, I-I-I I'm so sorry, I-"

She pulled him towards herself, as she gently placed a kiss on his lips. Her arms wrapped around him as she used as much force as she could muster to lift him into the bed with her.

"You shouldn't be using your quirk when your in the goddamn hospital." He scolded.

"And you shouldn't doubt yourself when you saved my goddamn life."

He rolled his eyes laying down next to her, careful not to touch the IV in her arm.

His arms slipped around her pulling her into the heat he radiated. She nuzzled into his chest, reminiscing on all of the times she had wanted this before.

Her eyes fluttered shut as he whispered his own sweet words in her ears.

"I love you Katsuki"

"Love you too dollface..."


"Well isn't that cute!" The nurse whispered to the doctor.

"Shouldn't we take him back to his room for safety reasons?"

"If you touch them I will murder you..."

BNHA Oneshots and drabbles Volume -1-Where stories live. Discover now