Iida - undercut

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Iida sighed as he sat down on his dorm bed, running a hand through his hair and resting it in his undercut, the prickly feeling of the shaved hair slightly stinging his calloused hands. He leaned back, laying down on the soft mattress. 

He flinched as someone knocked on the door, he got up opening it, smiling softly as he saw Y/n standing in front of him.

"Hey Tenya, Midoriya told me you had a stressful day at school." She sympathized, following him into his bedroom as she closed the door behind her.

"Wanna cuddle?" She offered holding open her arms for him. He crumbled into her embrace, his arms easily slipping around her waist. She ran a hand through his hair, smiling as she rested it on the back of her neck, his undercut tickling her hand.

He lifted her causing a small squeak to come out of her mouth. He laid down on the bed, staring up at her as he rested on his back. She kept her hands on the back of his neck, still messing with the short hair.

He chuckled reaching up to mess with her own undercut as she leaned forward, lightly kissing his nose. As she pulled back her leaned forward kissing her forehead. She laughed, smiling at him as he rested his head on the pillow once again.

Someone else knocked on the door, causing the pair inside to quickly separate sitting on opposite sides of the bed, pretending they were talking.

Iida had a light blush as he called for the person to come in, sighing in relief as Midoriya walked into the room.

"Oh sorry! I didn't realize Y/n had come to comfort you!" The greenette apologized, bowing before leaving once again.

"Cuddle?" Y/n asked again, Iida let out a breathy laugh, nodding as she crawled over to him, sitting in between his legs, leaning her back against his chest as his arms wrapped around her waist once again.

He sighed contentedly.

"Wanna talk about what made you upset?" Y/n spoke, turning her head to see him slightly.

"I suppose... Well it started off with getting to school unusually late, being scolded by Aizawa, then, during training I almost busted one of my engines and it is still in pain, then Recovery girl couldn't fix it because it would take too much of my energy to heal, and I was put on the bench for the entirety of training."

"That sucks! I'm sorry, would a kiss make it better?"

"No, but I'll take on anyway."

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