2...Bakugou - if only to know your place

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Y/n listened intently and with wide eyes as her father yelled orders at the generals of their armies filtered in, several hundred soldiers following obediently behind.

"What's going on?"

"The Bakugou kingdom has become hostile."

"What? We were trading with them a few months ago?!"

"Be quiet! Know your place."

Y/n's body jolted in a flinch as her father's hand raised, he glanced at the many soldiers watching, resorting to pointing at her instead.

"Go to your room and be reader for supper, have the handmaidens help you."

Y/n nodded, running away through the hallway and towards her room.

She crashed through the door, sobbing as her handmaidens dashed to comfort her.

"Oh dear! What happened!" The brown haired handmaiden, Uraraka, exclaimed, resting a gentle hand on Y/n's back as she was led to her chair in the corner of the room.

"F-Father almost hit me in front of the soldiers!"

"Oh gods! Your mother would not be pleased!" Another handmaiden, Hagakure, murmured, quiet enough for only the other handmaidens to hear.

Y/n's mother had died in a quarrel with the Todoroki kingdom, and Y/n feared the same may happen to her father in the current war.

"We will do everything we can to stop this, darling." Asui (or Tsuyu, as she preferred to be called) spoke, crouching down in front of Y/n to make eye contact, her heavily frog like features accentuated in the bright sunset light filtering in from the large widow on the opposite side of the room.

"We promise."


"Your majesty!" A guard called through the door of Y/n's room, startling the four peoples inside. It had been nearly a week since the king's large outburst, and he had fallen gravely sick.

"The king has requested your presence."

Y/n glanced worriedly at her handmaidens, though they all only stared back in equal confusion.

Y/n was ushered out the door by a very hesitant Uraraka, though eventually, Y/n made her way towards the largest bedroom of the castle on her own, shaky, and terrified.

"Y/n..." Her father's voice called weakly, she scurried to the edge of his bed, her eyebrows furrowing as he gently reached out for her hand.

"I am not fit to rule the kingdom."

Y/n's brain whirred with different thoughts.

'Is he finally going to give me a position of power?! Am I ready for this!? Will I have advisors?! What-'

"We have made an arrangement with the Bakugou kingdom You are to be married to their son."

Y/n froze, glancing at the guards in the room. They all remained emotionless.

"Who will run our kingdom?"

"They will do what is best, as this, is their kingdom as well as soon as you are wed."


Y/n shifted uncomfortably as she walked towards the carriage waiting for her in front of the castle.

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