Bakugou - Party *small drabble*

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*Mention if fighting (don't worry it ends and starts in fluff)**

Bakugou sighed. The loud music coming from the common room, preventing any peaceful relaxation. He opened his window, grabbing his notebook. He began to draw, his mind wandering. He snapped back to reality, his brain processing the fact that he had in fact drawn a person, a specific person.

Y/n L/n the only classmate he really enjoyed being around. He froze, his eyes glued to the highly realistic drawing of the girl.

A knock on the door pulled him out of his thoughts. He shoved the notebook under his bed, trying his hardest to ignore the loud music, he opened the door.

"Hey Bakugou." Y/n yawned. He paused.

'oh shit'

"What?" He hissed, trying his hardest to keep up his walls.

"I can't sleep with the party going on, so I was wondering if I could hang out with you?" She mumbled. He hesitantly nodded, stepping back so she could enter,

She flopped onto his bed, covering her face with one of his pillows.

"Why the fuck did they have to have a party on TUESDAY?!" She screamed into the pillow, curling into a small ball. Bakugou chuckled, sitting down next to her, she pulled out her phone, scrolling through her feed, most of the pictures were of her friends at the party, a literal 100 meters away.

She sighed throwing her phone across the room at his closet.

"You are never going to see that again." Bakugou warned, glancing down at her from his own phone.

She shrugged sitting up and throwing a pillow at him.

"OI?!" He yelled, throwing it back at her. She giggled, walking over to his closet. She shuffled through his things, gasping as she pulled out a large yellow sweatshirt.

"You have something that isn't black, orange or some shade of grey!?" She asked snickering. He snorted, smiling to himself.

She pondered for a moment, slipping it on and giving a large satisfied sigh.

He glanced up at her, his eyes widening before he looked back at the stupid post Kirishima had made of the large party.

She ran over and jumped onto the bed, she shuffled herself over poking Bakugou's cheek.

Bakugou half smiled, looking down at her.

She smirked evilly, pulling him off of the bed. He landed with a thud, glaring at her. She laughed, squeaking as she too was pulled off of true bed. She landed on top of him.

She huffed, giving him a mad stare. He winked at her, shoving her to the side.

He stood up, offering a hand.

She took it standing up.

He opened his mouth as a slow song came on in the other room.

She had a lightbulb moment and put her hand on his shoulder.

He got the memo, his arm slipping around her waist. She giggled again, causing a light blush to rise on Bakugou's ears.

They swayed side to side, Bakugou staring down at her beaming smile and bright eyes.

The door slammed open, a very drunk Sero pulling them both out to the party as a new song came on.

Bakugou gave Sero a harsh glare, small explosions threatening the suddenly sober boy. He ran off leaving the new arrivals alone in the large crowd of people.

Y/n pressed herself closer to him, grabbing his hand.

He gave her a questioning look as she pointed at the main entrance. He smirked down at her, nodding. She snickered, dragging him through the crowd, easily making it to the larger exit.

They crossed the street, making their way towards the small shopping district near the dorms.

Bakugou looked around, his instincts kicking in. He pulled her into a rather small soba shop.

She looked up at him confused as his eyes scanned the street outside. There were multiple large men prowling the streets, grinning maliciously.

"Bakugou, we need to call Aizawa." She stated, grabbing his phone from his hand. She called the number, explaining the situation.

Aizawa made his way over, his eyes fixed on the burly men. They made their move breaking the window of a closed store. Aizawa's scarf grabbed the wrist of the one who broke the window.

He popped out from his hiding place, warning them. The largest ran forward trying to attack the tired teacher. He jumped out of the way, the man's quirk lightly cutting him.

Aizawa growled, pressing the button on his suit to call for back up.

"Bakugou." y/n whispered.

He turned to see her terrified face.

"What's wrong?"

She paused for a moment.

"That one has a gun..." she responded pointing at him.

Bakugou froze, assessing the situation.

"Bakugou, you distract them, enough to get that guy facing away from this store okay?" She whispered, pointing at the alley way next to the fight.

"Why would I do that?!" He hissed, she glared back.

"Because my quirk can get the gun." She snapped back, causing him to huff.

"Fine." He rolled his eyes, quietly opening the door of the shop as she snuck around the back.

"Oi! Shit heads!" He yelled at the men attacking his teacher.

"What the hell did you just say to me small fry?!" The one with the gun grumbled, reaching for the device.

Y/n shot (heh) forward, grabbing it from him and pointing it back at him.

"Don't move." She demanded, all of the men froze, as Aizawa stood up.

Soon, Midnight arrived causing all of the men to pass out and for them to be put in custody.

Bakugou, sighed as Aizawa scolded him for sneaking out late. He was given a detention and cleaning duty (to his horror). He rolled his eyes as the teacher dropped them off at the dorms.

"Bakugou?" Y/n asked timidly.

"Yeah." He answered. Too tired to be rude.

"I'm sorry I got us in trouble. We probably could have handled it..." she mumbled, he gently lifted her chin, grabbing her hand.

"As long as I get a kiss, I won't be mad." He flirted, his half asleep brain doing what it wanted.

She smirked, kissing his nose.

"Happy?" She asked cockily. He frowned, glaring down at her.

"You fucking missed." He hissed, pulling her into his chest as his lips crashed into hers.

They pulled away, Bakugou winking at her as he walked back to the dorms.

"Wait you can't just do that and walk away!!"

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