Mirio - Eri *sd*

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Slight mention of death and crying :) MAJOR SEASON FOUR SPOILERS

takes place after Mirio loses his quirk but before the festival

Mirio frantically looked around the UA campus, searching for those familiar (E/c) eyes. He spotted her in the distance, immediately bolting towards her.

"Y/n!" He called, never slowing down as she turned to see him, giving a relieved smile, as she covered her mouth with her hand. she let out a small sob, walking slightly towards him as he crashed into her, lifting her into his arms.

"God, I thought you were dead!" She cried, burying her face in his shoulder. She sobbed into his shirt, hugging him tightly. He pulled back for a moment, kissing her forehead as she covered her mouth and nose, still gripping his shirt in her fists.

He began crying too, ignoring the students around them as they walked together to the dorms.

"C-Can I tell you about the mission?" Mirio asked as they walked into his dorm, sitting down on the bed together.

"Of course." Y/n nodded, reaching out to hold his hand.

He ran his thumb over her knuckles a sad look dawning over his face.

"So, we went to save Eri. We got her out, but I lost.. from what the doctors an tell. I will never be able to use my quirk again." Mirio whispered, tearing up as he made eye contact with his girlfriend.

She leaned over, wrapping him in a large hug. He leaned into her breathing in her distinct (perfume/smell).

"Nighteye didn't make it Y/n..." Mirio mumbled into her. She ran a hand through Mirio's hair, planting a kiss behind his ear.

"Did you at least get to say goodbye?"

"Yeah... Eri is under U.A.'s care and she will be coming with us to the festival. We also found out she doesn't know how to smile." Mirio finished, pulling away from the hug as his hands rested on Y/n's sides.

"She doesn't know how to smile?! That's just plain depressing,"

"Mirio, I want you to know I love you, quirk or not, you might get it back, you never know, all I need to know is you're okay."

"Yeah I'm okay, just worried about Eri."

"That's adorable."

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