Quirk List

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A/N: Feel free to use these, but make sure to give me credit. These are all originals.

1. Soul bolt: In this your quirk is Soul bolt. You can move your body with waves of electricity, that includes cell phone waves, or pure electricity.

2. Magma fist: When activated a coating (size is your choice) of lave, magma, fire or rock coats your fist. If used too much it can burn the user.

3. Flame Dart: The user can create small arrow like objects that are engulfed in flames. They are fast and controlled by the mind. They can be used as a dull stick or as an arrow and are very lethal. User is immune to their power. They can also create small fires. Body becomes burnt if quirk is used too much.

4. Molten Orb: User can create a large encasing of lava or molten rock and put it around anyone or them self, making it float above the ground and pushing them away with user's mind. If used too much Orbs begin to appear randomly and will not dissolve until someone touches them, often resulting in many burns.

5. Handcuffs: User can manipulate any kinds of materials to make restraints. Some restraints can cancel quirks depending on material used. Body slowly looses feeling after too many restraints are made.

6. Alligator tears: User's tears can heal any injury depending on how many tears are shed. Cannot be bottled and user cannot change scars. If heals too many injuries they start to feel the injuries when they cry.

7. Pathway possibilities: User can see every possible outcome of any choice, even other's choices. Feeling are more amplified than others.

8. Witch: User can make any potion or spell. Knows all recipes like the back of their hand, however, they must find the ingredients first. Blanks out and looses focus quite a bit after making too many potions or using to many spells.

9. Goalie: Can block any attack inflicted on themselves or others, but must know it is coming. If used too much user becomes immobile.

10. Siren: (Shinsou's twin sister) Shinsou except singing.

11. Chain reaction: When user touches someone with thumb and pinky the person who was touched becomes 'infected'. Whoever the 'infected person touches is also 'infected. When user has enough people the must touch their pinky and thumb again and all of the 'infected' are under their control. User is more likely to get common illnesses.

12. Chaos arrow: User can make arrows out of their bones and muscles. Can control them with their mind. The arrows are flexible if made from muscle and brittle if made from bone. If quirk is used too much, cracks begin to form on users skin. Muscles are thinned often and bones are slightly stronger.

13. Chameleon: User can turn body, clothes, and anything they are touching invisible for up to 1 hour, but they must stay touching. If scared, quirk activates. If quirk is used too long Users body becomes invisible in random places at random times.

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