Shoto Todoroki - Rubix cube *Small drabble*

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Todoroki sat calmly in class, blocking out al of the other voices floating around the room. Instead his focus was on the Rubix cube in his hand. The soft flipping and clicking of the small item calmed him after a stressful morning with his father.

The small toy was a gift from his best friend, y/n l/n. She had originally given it to him based on the fact he always seemed so bored, but he had recently become more and more intrigued by the simplicity and complicated nature of the toy.

She sat quietly in the chair in front of him. Reading a manga he had given to her on her birthday.

She waved her hand the paper flipping for her as her eyes flicked calmly across the two pages.

Y/n L/n

Quirk: Puppeteer. When an inanimate object is touched it is fully under her control, such as the movements of a doll, or the pages of a book. Does not work on living beings.

Todoroki twisted the toy one last time, softly smiling at his handy work. She looked up at the newfound silence between them, smiling too, as she noticed the fully finished box.

"Good job Shoto." She praised, setting down her book and tucking the bookmark between it's pages.

They smiled at each other for a bit, quietly talking about how Todoroki was excited to get one for his mother.

He had realized if it had such a calming effect on him, it might do the same for his mother (plus she needed a splash of color in her life).

He handed Y/n the toy watching in awe as it quickly shifted in a random pattern as it floated a few inches above the desk.

"I always thought it looked pretty cool when you did that."

"Sho, it's just my quirk."

"Doesn't mean it isn't cool..."

Bakugou scoffed as he watched from the opposite side of the room.

"Why the hell aren't they dating? It makes me sick just to look at them!" He hissed.

Kirishima snorted.

"Bro, you know you just want them to be happy."

"Hah?! Shut up Shitty hair!"

Kirishima laughed despite knowing that everyone, Bakugou included, desperately wanted the two to get together.

They seemed to clearly show their affections between themselves to everyone, but each other (if that makes any sense)

"I'm gonna do it." Uraraka whispered. Her gaze fixed on the two friendly students.

"She might kill you." Midoriya responded, giving wise advice.

"It'll be worth it." Completely ignoring what the prophecy foretold.

Uraraka stood up from her chair, casually walking over to the two students.

"Hey L/n, are you free tomorrow at five?"


"What about you Todoroki?"

"I believe I am too."

"Well great because I'm not!"

The two students exchanged glances before looking back up at the brown haired beauty.

"Have fun on your date!"

Uraraka cheered walking away.

Y/n paused, taking a moment as the gears seemed to turn in her head.

A lightbulb seemed to go off as she ran after Ochaco pulling a large metal robot out of her bag, using it to chase after the floaty student.

Todoroki softly smiled, looking down at the Rubix cube that was still floating, but now rapidly mixing itself up, due to the girls less stable emotions.

"I'm not to against a date..."

"Wait REALLY?!"

A/n: Wow, two chapters in one night. Anyways, hope you enjoy! Please leave comments btw, they make me happy and constructive criticism is always welcome!

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