9...Hawks - two birds on a wire *sd*

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Listen to the song "Two birds on a wire" by Regina Spektor, first.

*Slight panic/heights*

For years, Keigo had stared off at the sunset, humming a certain song to himself..

Soulmates were a chance thing, that came along with quirks. when a person is born, they all have something about them that only their soulmate shared, for Keigo, it was a song. He knew from a young age no one could hear him when he sang it or hummed it, because no one glared, or even noticed his vocals. So, when he was bored in a meeting, he would always just sing under his breath, his lips barely moving.

Keigo had never met his soulmate, or at least he didn't think he had, if he did, he had simply moved on.

He had often debated singing his soulmate song while on missions to see if any civilians or other heroes reacted, but he knew he had to stay focused and not distracted.

He sat on the roof of a tall skyscraper, staring down at the city below him, watching for crime, or pedestrians needing a small bit of help, but all he saw was cars, and bright neon lights.

He sighed to himself, pushing off the building and floating to the ground, looking for a small chicken place.

A voice hit his ears, causing him to tense.

"I'll believe it all."

His wings worked on their own schedule, carrying him into the sky as he searched for the voice singing the song he knew all too well.

"There's nothing I won't understand." The voice seemingly called out to him as the voice sand the next lyric.

The voice in question, was attached to a fellow pro hero, sitting on the top of a wooden phone pole, large white wings attached to her back.

"I'll believe it all, I won't let go of your hand." The voice sang again as Keigo landed on the wire next to them, chuckling to himself, as the woman flinched, and of the irony of the situation.

"Was that your soulmate thing?" He asked quietly.

"Yeah, I'm surprised you could understand I was singing, usually no one else notices."

"Oh, sad."

The pair sat in silence for a split second before Keigo willingly broke it.

"Your song is 'two birds on a wire', right?" The woman was startled enough to fall, shock written all over her face.

She started to fall of the pole, being quickly caught by an in-panic Keigo, floating in the air as he frantically flapped his wings, carrying both of their weight.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt? I didn't mean to startle you, I'm sorry. Do you want to get back on the ground? Are you-"

"Hawks! I'm fine, I have wings too remember? Two birds?"

"Oh... yeah... I just... Uh, I didn't want to lose you after I just found you." Her wings started to flap as he gently let go of her arms, which he was previously holding tightly.

"Do you want to patrol together?" She asked quietly, reaching up and brushing some of his hair out of the way of his slightly teared up eyes.

"Yeah, sure..." Keigo whispered back, his voice trailing off.

"How about we land for patrol this go-around?" She offered, slipping her hand into his.

They landed, walking together as Keigo's eyes nervously shifted to each person passing.

"I Never really got your name, I guess I always kind of knew you as Hawks."

"oh, uh, it's Keigo, Keigo Takami. Yours?"

"Y/n, Y/n L/n."

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