Shinsou - drowning

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*Slight angst*

I live for nightmare scenes

Quirk: Angel

M*neta for real said BYE BITCH (he doesn't exist and you replace him >:)

Shinsou watched as the girl sitting across from him at the lunch table slowly fell asleep. Her elbow was resting on the table, her fist holding herself up. He chuckled at his best friend, wondering why she had been so tired lately.

She had made it into the hero course, profusely apologizing to him upon finding out he was in a different course.

He knew it wasn't her fault, her quirk was amazing how could she NOT make it in. She slightly twitched, her eyes shooting open and scanning her surroundings quickly.

"You okay?"

"Y-Yeah, sorry, didn't realize I fell asleep." She quickly made up an excuse. Brushing it off as she pushed her food around her plate.

Shinsou raised an eyebrow, mentally noting to check in on her later.

*F*L*A*S*H*B*A*C*K* (four days earlier)

Y/n hissed at herself as she landed in the water her wings completely rendering useless.

She panicked, trying her hardest to swim to the surface, a villain pulling her back down further in the water before Tsu, pulled her out of the water setting her down in the boat.

"Y/n!" Midoriya yelled, pushing on her chest as she struggled to breath.

Her wings felt like they were on fire, despite being absolutely soaked, her lungs feeling similar.

She finally managed to cough up all of the water, coughing over the edge of the boat as the villains surrounded them.

Tsu and Midoriya came up with a plan as Y/n nodded a halo appearing in her hand.

Midoriya jumped off of the boat, using his quirk on the water to gather all of the villains in one area as Y/n used the last of her strength to throw the halo and capture all of them.

She passed out mid-air, nearly falling back into the water if Midoriya hadn't caught her as she fell from Tsu's grasp.

She landed in the water again, slowly regaining consciousness as they watched the villains from the ledge of the fountain area.

Y/n winced as Aizawa was brutally beaten, near-dead.


Shinsou frowned as he watched his best friend's eyes shut and shoot back open as they walked back to their neighborhood.

"Okay, I'm carrying you the rest of the way." He hissed, picking her up easily, she barely protested to exhausted to care about it. She leaned into him, her head falling onto his chest as he carried her bridal style down the street.

He fumbled with the keys to his house, overly thankful his parents weren't home.

His father would have shit his pants if he saw his son carrying a girl like she was dead. Especially one of his students.

Shinsou gently set her down on the couch, sighing as she rolled over, her eyebrows furrowing.

She sat up quickly nearly punching him in the face as she realized he was there.

"Sorry, Shinsou..." She apologized, retracting her fist, she ran a hand through her hair, dragging it down her face as she tried to rub the eyebags away.

"Alright, you're gonna tell me why you haven't had sleep in nearly four days."

"Shinsou, please I just-"

"No, we've been friends long enough that I know something is wrong. What happened?" He sternly spoke, pushing further. Y/n sighed, giving in.

"I can't sleep because of USJ. Every time I fall asleep, all I can remember is nearly drowning, how badly my wings hurt and watching Aizawa-sensei nearly die." She deadpanned, crossing her arms.

Shinsou froze, sitting down next to her on the couch as she moved her legs to sit normally. He pulled her into a hug, watching with sympathy as she broke down in his arms.

Shinsou, ran a his own hand through her hair, wrapping his arms around her tightly.

"Meeting with the counselor?"

"Yeah probably."


"So, Aizawa. We've concluded that Y/n here has PTSD from USJ for multiple reasons."

"Sorry kiddo. I bet Shinsou helped out though huh?" Aizawa teased, walking out of the counselors office with his student/ son's best friend.

"Yeah, he did." She blushed.

"He really likes you. He sure as hell talks about you a lot." Aizawa mumbled.

"He does?"

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