Aizawa - kitten (NOT YAGAMI YATO)

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Aizawa watched as his students filed into his classroom, he pulled out his binder starting his lesson.

"Mr. Aizawa?"

"What?" The man snapped at the poor green headed boy.

"There's something in your scarf?" Bakugou mumbled, his eyes squinting.

Aizawa sighed.

"Really?" He asked into his scarf. Everyone watched in shock as a small pair of ears popped up.

"I told you to stay home." Aizawa scolded again, his hard expression still remaining.

The rest of the cat's head popped up from his scarf scanning the class. It yawned, pouncing out onto the desk.

"Change back." Aizawa demanded.

A large puff of red smoke flew into the air as a younger girl appeared.

"But dad!" The girl whined. Her large (e/c) eyes pleaded with him, as she looked up through her messy black hair.

"I told you to stay home with your mother."

"She was working!" She yelled.

"And you know you are supposed to stay home when she's on patrol!" Aizawa yelled back.

"S-sir?" Uraraka shyly cut in.


"Who's that?" Bakugou snapped.

Aizawa sighed again, covering the girl's mouth as she tried to respond for herself.

"This is my daughter. Ayumu."
(I literally looked up the Japanese name for sleep and this is what came up 😂)

"You have a daughter!?" Mina yelled.

"Who is the mom!?" Kirishima asked.

"My wife will be here to get her VERY SOON." Aizawa passive aggressively answered, pulling out his phone. He walked into the hallway as his students talked with his daughter.


"Aizawa! Hey, did Ayumu sneak into school with you again?"


"Dammit, I'm on patrol too. It's fine I'll come get her!"

"No, you're on patrol, I'll keep her here."

"During class.. really?"

"Yes... sadly. Really."

"Pfft, babe it's okay! I can come get her! I'm about to end patrol anyway!"

"Only if your patrol is over."

"Alright! See you soon, love you."

"Love you too."

Aizawa shoved his phone back into his pocket making his way back into his classroom. He watched in silence as his students all took turns holding his daughter in her cat form.

"Give her back." Aizawa demanded as he walked over to them.

Ayumu hopped onto his arm pouncing into his scarf once again.

"Ayumu will stay for the remainder of the day. She will be gone by lunch."

"Aww, but she's really cool!"

"I don't care, now if you don't listen I'm giving you detention."


Aizawa groaned as he walked down the hallway towards the front door of the school his daughter trailing next to him.

He pushed open the door, allowing Ayumu to go before him. She sat down on the steps waiting patiently for her mother to pick her up.

Aizawa day next to her, handing her a juice packet as he pulled one of his own out.

She slurped on it happily, a smile, clear as day on her face.

"Ayumu. I know you don't want to hear this, but you NEED to stay home. One of these days another attack is going to happen and you're going to get hurt. You know we can't loose you." Aizawa whispered to his daughter. Watching as a large crow landed on the pavement a few hundred feet away.

"I know. I'm sorry dad."

"No don't say sorry. We know you just don't want to be alone. Maybe we should get you a babysitter?" Aizawa asked as he watched the crow hop closer.

"YAY!" She yelled, earning a wince from both the crow and her father.

Another cloud of (f/c) smoke blew into the air. A (taller/shorter) woman appearing before them.

"Do you really need to cheer so loud?" She asked a small smile don her face.

"Mommy!" The girl squeaked, jumping into the woman's arms.

"Hey Y/n."

"Hey babe. Sorry about that, we really need someone to watch her."

"Yeah, we really do."

"I'm gonna take her to lunch, wanna come?"

"Sure." He responded. Taking her free hand as his daughter to her other.

"McDonalds McDonald's!"

"Again, really?"

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