Bakugou - secrets signs

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Bakugou is slowly going deaf from his quirk and likely knows sign language, so does reader.

(Based of off a tik tok by @trixcosplays)


Bakugou quietly sighed as he looked down at the paper he had so quickly filled out. His eyes scanned over each math problem for an eighth time, checking each of the answers he knew were right.

He looked up, watching as Y/n stood up and walked over to Aizawa, she asked him a question. Nodding in thanks as Aizawa rolled his eyes, opening his drawer and handing her a fresh pencil.

She began walking back to her desk, smiling as she got closer to Bakugou. He glanced up at her, nonchalantly moving his hands in a distinct way.

'I love you'

She held back a giggle, huffing as he smirked at her large blush. She sat down in her desk, signing it back

'I love you too'


Bakugou sighed as he watched his friends yell at each other for some odd reason. His eyes began to wander, glancing over to the table next to him.

Y/n caught his eye, she looked over at him, waving.

'I love you'

She smiled again, signing it back just as she had before.

'I love you too' she signed, she glanced behind him, snorting.

'Your friends are staring'

He whipped around, staring back with wide eyes as his friends crashed into each other asking him questions.

He glanced back at her, watching as she laughed out loud, her own friends confusingly looking over at her. She signed to him.


He was brought back to his friends as they dragged him away, despite his lashing. He gave up as Kirishima lifted him easily. He sighed back to her before it was too late.

'Love you, bye'

'Good luck'

He rolled his eyes, squirming to try and get out of Kirishima's grip

Bakugou winced as he landed on the ground in the hallway outside of the cafeteria.

"What were you signing to her!?"

"I don't know what you're talking about" he teased, standing up.

"You were smiling and being fluffy and shit!"

"Nah, didn't happen." He spoke, reaching up to his ears.

"Don't you dare!" Mina threatened.

"Watch me." He smirked taking them off of his ears and shoving them into his pocket.

His friends began yelling at him, begging for answers. He smirked as they became increasingly aggravated, as he walked away, back to the lunch room.

He sat down at his table, glancing over at Y/n again, she looked around waving at her friends as she crossed the walkway, running over to his table, she opened her mouth, pausing when he pointed to his ears.

'Did you make your friends mad again?'


'One of these days they're going to kill you.'

'Worth the risk'

She snorted,  gesturing for him to follow her, they walked up to the roof, calmly avoiding each of their respective friend groups.

Bakugou sat down on one of the benches putting one of his hearing aids back in.

She sat down next to him, intertwining their fingers.

"When do you think they're gonna figure it out?" She whispered, leaning her head on his shoulder. He scoffed.


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