Aizawa - tired *Small drabble* (cuz I need to post)

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Aizawa slowly trudged into the teacher's dorm, a scowl resting on his face. He sighed, making his way into the kitchen, he pulled the large container of black coffee away from the machine, pouring It into a large mug. He sipped it, savoring the large amount of energy it gave him.

He walked back to the common area, reaching towards the light, he looked up freezing right before he flicked the switch. There, laying on the couch, book in hand, head resting on the arm rest, was Y/n, his fellow teacher.

He sighed, setting down his mug making his way over to her, he looped his arms beneath her legs and back, lifting her from the couch, he carried her to her room, opening the door quietly, he set her down on the bed, running a hand through her hair quickly.

He walked out to the hallway, his eyes widening in fear as he came face to face with his best friend, Hazashi Yamada.

"Wait, don't-"

"HEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY, ERASERRRRRRRRRRRRRR-" The blonde's voice echoed through the halls loudly before Aizawa's quirk cut him off. Aizawa sighed, turning as the door opened once again.

Y/n stumbled out, her hands rubbing her eyes.

"What-" She grumbled, stumbling into Aizawa's arms. He head rested on his shoulder as her eyes closed once again.

"Y/n you need to go back to your bed, I don't count." Aizawa whispered, glaring at Yamada. The loud blonde put up finger guns, returning back to his own room.

"But you're warmer than my bed." She said mocking him. Aizawa rolled his eyes, lifting her off of the ground once again, she squeaked, her arms wrapping around his neck as her legs wrapped around his waist.

"Don't drop me please!" She begged, gripping him tightly.

"Chill, I was just putting you back where you belong, ok?"

"But you're warm!" She whined as Aizawa set her down on the bed.

"You are totally going to regret this when you wake up." He warned, she grumbled under her breath, pulling him by the scarf down next to her.

"Y/n, you really shouldn't be doing this, Principle Nezu will kill us."

She giggled, causing a light blush to rise on Aizawa's cheeks.

"He can't do that, it's illegal." Aizawa sighed.

"At least you know how to be a hero still."

"But I'm not at work so I don't have to know, I'm just really smart." She responded with a dopey smile.

"What am I going to do with you?"


"I guess, as long as I don't get fired."

"What does Endeavor have to do with this?"

"Oh God."



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