Shigaraki - yearbook *sd*

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Hero AU

Toga is a first year, Magne is a second year, and twice, you, Shigaraki and Dabi are all third years.

I know the picture has a different name and (slightly) different quote, but I can't change names easily and the quote doesn't fit with the story line.

Also sorry if your favorite color isn't red, it also goes with the story line.

Shigaraki smirked as he thought about what his yearbook quote was going to be, he glanced over at Dabi who was also thinking about the quote. Dabi's head lifted to make eye contact with Shigaraki, stopping when he saw the mischievous look on his friend's face.

"Don't tell me you're Actually going to do it."

"You bet your ass I am."


Shigaraki stared proudly at his yearbook quote as the rest of his class crowded around him to sign it and see it.

"To that cute girl in my class, we should go out some time. Also sorry for turning your stuff to dust."

Everyone froze when they saw the quote glancing in between themselves. The guys snickered, whereas Dabi and Twice burst out laughing, know exactly who it was.

The girls circled up trying to figure out who it could be. A couple of the girls suggested to ask but Shigaraki only gave them small hints.

"(e/c) eyes."

"(long, medium, short) hair."

Nothing too obvious.

The guys already knew who it was, also not giving good enough hints.

A couple of the girls thought it was one of the popular girls but all of the guys gave them a hard 'no'.

"Her favorite color is red."

"Like Shigaraki's eyes! Who's favorite color is red." A few girls raised their hands.

"Okay, who has (e/c) eyes."

The group of girls narrowed down a few.

"Alright. Now, we push each of you to Shigaraki and see how he reacts!"

One by one each girl was shoved towards Shigaraki his mood never changing.

As they got to the last girl, everyone sighed.


Stubborn as a mule, fast as a cheetah, strong as a bear.

Everyone knew she wasn't going to be shoved easily.

The girls tried to coax her into walking over to him but she simply remained silent.

She rolled her eyes walking over to Shigaraki's desk plopping down on top of it.

"Hey, crusty, when are you gonna tell 'em." She whispered smirking.

Shigaraki couldn't help but snort, playing it off as a cough.

"Never." He mumbled back.

The girls sighed as Shigaraki and Y/n talked, he acted normal enough, so they pushed on.

"What about our other classes?"

"No, the only people that come in and out are guys."

The girls kept on with their searching, ignoring Y/n for the time being.

Y/n pointed at Shigaraki's yearbook.

"Can I?" Shigaraki nodded, watching as she grabbed a Purple pen from Dabi's hand swiftly, writing a quick note and drawing a small crown next to Shigaraki's picture.

"see you later." She half-smiled, Shigaraki waved, watching as she left the classroom.

"It's Y/n isn't it."


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