Bakugou - School visits *Small drabble*

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Bakugou sat down on the couch with a thud, catching the attention of his classmates. A few raised a brow, silently asking for an explanation of his grumpiness.

"What." He snapped, clearly angered by something.

"Uh, we were just wondering what was wrong Kacchan!"

"Y/n went on vacation to America..." He mumbled as his classmates tuned in with interest.

"Oh right, isn't Aimi chan coming back today though?"

Bakugou rolled his eyes nodding at his childhood...


enemies... question.

"Wait, wait, wait. Who is this- Person. We speak of." Jiro interjected, interested as to who could possibly have the honor of being called a real name by Bakugou.

"Oh, she's Kacchan's girlfriend. Her name is Y/n L/n, but Aimi is my nickname for her, much like Bakugou's nickname is Kacchan."

Everyone paused for a second, looking on in awe.

"GIRLFRIEND!?!?" They all yelled at the two boy's surprised Bakugou could get along with anyone for more than a few minutes, much less ask them to be a significant other.

Bakugou snarled, aggravated.

"Yeah, so fucking what?" He growled.

The others paused making a silent agreement.

"Is she real?" Ochaco asked, curious.

"Of fucking course she's real round face! Why the hell would I lie?!" Everyone stayed quiet in response to Bakugou's question.

"What's she like." Todoroki asked, his gay ass curious enough.

"Well, she is coming back today...

Oh, why don't we invite her over to the dorms. We could get a pass from Mr. Aizawa!" Midoriya suggested, getting multiple agreements from his classmates.

Bakugou scoffed, agreeing at the chance of warm hugs and small kisses.


The girl walked through the door cluelessly, thinking she was meeting with her childhood friend, and amazing boyfriend.

She walked into the common room after leaving her shoes by the door. Looking around for the spikey haired blonde.

She tapped a red head on the shoulder.

She waited as he turned around, excitement lighting up his face.

"Yo, Bro she's here!" The boy yelled across the room, directed at a large group of her boyfriends classmates.

Bakugou rose from his seat, trudging over to her, and almost collapsing into her arms.

She smiled rubbing his back as he rested his head in her neck and his arms firmly around her.

Her classmates stared in awe as she giggled when he kissed her neck.

"What!?" She turned to the large group noticing her friend in the large crowd.

"Hey Midoriya! Introduce me to your friends! Katsuki's too tired." She smiled widely, blinding the students.

They all waved in response, many almost passing out from her amazing smile.

She dragged her boyfriend to the couch, sitting down next to her other friend and letting Bakugou's head fall into her lap.

She talked calmly gently massaging her boyfriends head, soothing him easily. Many of the students were grateful for her calming abilities, letting them have a decent conversation without being interrupted.

"Oh! Aimi chan, tell them about your quirk."

"Oh yeah! I can make any potion or spell. I Knows all the recipes like the back of my hand, however, I must find the ingredients first. I Blank out and loose focus quite a bit after making too many potions or using to many spells."

Everyone continued chatting, trying to convince her to join U.A. She politely declined claiming she was okay with being a citizen. She explained she had thought about becoming a hero, but her quirk was too hard to use on the spot. Everyone grew tired eventually leaving only a few left.

Y/n looked down at her boyfriend, her eyes softening.

"I'm gonna take him to bed, see you tomorrow." She whispered.

She said a few words in Latin, allowing the boy to float easily in her grasp, she held his hand. leading the floating boy down the hallway. She opened his door, reciting the words backwards, as he slowly descended on the bed. He opened one eye, sighing as he sat up.

"You should have, like, hit me or something, instead of using your damn quirk."

"Yeah, well your mean when your not asleep, so." She shrugged swaying a bit. She sat down next to him, resting her head on his shoulder. He smiled, genuinely, and leaned against his headboard as she fell asleep to the soft beating of his heart.

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