Shigaraki - Fights *sd*

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"Miss Luna, do you realize the damage you did to your classmate."

"Hell yeah."

"First of all, please watch your profanity in school, second of all, hurting another student is nothing to be proud of. I have contacted you guardians and they will be arriving in a few minutes. In the meantime, would you like to explain why you got into a fight in the first place?"

"The little piece of shit said that women shouldn't have equal rights."

"And why did you fight him for it."


"Because he's wrong." A deep voice interrupted.

Dabi, Y/n, and Shigaraki walked through the door as the Principle froze.

"Uhm. Mr. Shigaraki, Mrs. Y/n and Mr. Dabi, p-please come in." The authority figure stuttered.

"If the kid fought for the right reason why are we here." Dabi asked, ruffling Luna's hair. Luna smiled at him, hugging Y/n as they sat all sat down.

"Why is Luna in trouble?" Shigaraki hissed, scratching his neck.

"Because she hurt another s-student."

"So? She's in highschool, isn't that what you're supposed to do if some twat says you shouldn't have basic human rights."

"I understand that sir but she broke his nose and leg-"

"The kid basically asked for it."

"We're leaving." Y/n deadpanned, giving a half smile as she and Luna walked out the door, Shigaraki and Dabi in tow.

"Can we go get ice cream?" Luna asked.

"I think we've caused enough drama in public for today." Y/n reasoned.

"I'll just send my brother to go buy ice cream." Dabi whispered to Luna causing the girl to smile widely.

The small group twisted and turned through alleyways eventually making it to the bar they lived in.

Y/n waved at Kurogiri as he nodded back, walking away from the bar as Y/n walked past him, opening the food cabinet.

"Soba for dinner?"

"Yay!" Luna cheered.

Luna was originally a kid who was kidnapped by the Yakuza but left for dead by the heroes after they raided Overhaul's base. She was Overhaul's biological daughter, sharing his brown hair and yellow eyes.

The LOV had adopted her as their own and put her in school and gotten her a proper education and the life she deserved.

After they cut Overhaul's arms off though.

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