Todoroki - childhood 🎄

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Suggested by: @MOOMOOHUNTER


This is a little long, sorry :(

Todoroki seemed to be lost in thought to those around him, which he was. He was simply listening to the sounds of his classmates buzzing about Christmas. Todoroki had never particularly 'enjoyed' Christmas, what with his upbringing and all. So he was simply planning to bring his mother flowers, and then stay in the dorms and read.

"Todoroki what are you doing for Christmas?" Y/n chirped from next to him on the common room couch. He turned to see their eyes, softly smiling at them.

"Oh, I'm staying here in the dorms."

"Really? Me too!" Y/n smiled, tapping their chin in thought.

"We should celebrate together! I know you didn't have the best childhood, so I'm here to make up for it!" They muttered, making eye contact with the boy. His eyebrows raised slightly in surprise.

"You would do that for me?" He asked in disbelief, a certain spark igniting in his heart.

"Of course!" Y/n laughed, wrapping an arm around his shoulders in a side hug.

"Why would I let you miss out on Christmas?"


Todoroki watched as Y/n struggled to put up lights, they were standing on a small step-ladder, one hand holding a jumble of Christmas lights, the other holding a box of thumbtacks.

They bit their lip in concentration, struggling to hold the set of lights in place. Todoroki chuckled, walking over to them. He took the box of tacks out of their hand, holding it in his own as he used his other hand to steady them. His hand rested on their back, looking up at them as a large smile spread across their face.

"Thanks Todo!"

"Please, call me Shoto."

"O-Oh, okay!"


Todoroki sighed in confusion as he stared down at the recipe book in front of him. The recipe was for gingerbread cookies, and he could not, for the life of him, figure it out.

"What is... a pinch of salt...?" He mumbled to himself, confusion more than evident on his face.

"Need some help?" Y/n offered, wiping their hands free of flour as they pushed the pies into the oven. Todoroki sighed again.

"I suppose that would help." He shrugged, stepping away from the recipe book so they could look.

"Oh, you just reach into the salt container, pinch your fingers together, and sprinkle it into the dough, see?" They showed, watching the salt fall into the bowl of ingredients. Todoroki nodded in thanks.

"Thank you Y/n."

"No problem!"


Y/n yawned as they walked into the kitchen, waving weakly at Todoroki.

"Merry Christmas Shoto." They whispered, leaning against the counter. The boy chuckled.

"Would you like to join me in visiting my mother? She would like to meet you." Todoroki asked, looking up from his cup of tea.

Y/n weakly nodded, still looking overly tired. They stretched a satisfied sigh escaping their lips.

"Lemme go get changed first." They suggested, smiling as Todoroki nodded.

"I will meet you outside of your dorm room." He offered, setting his tea down.

They parted ways, each headed to their dorm rooms. Todoroki scanned his closet, smiling as he saw the birthday gift Y/n had given him much earlier in the year.

He walked back into the hallways making his way towards Y/n's dorm. He stopped in front of the door, shifting his weight between his legs as he waited for them.

They walked out of their dorm, linking arms with him as they stuffed something into their pocket.

Todoroki raised an eyebrow, shrugging when he got no answer.

They made their way through the town, walking past colorfully decorated stores and homes, smiles on each of their faces, though Todoroki's was small.

As they entered the mental institution Y/n paused, taking a deep breath. Todoroki opened the door of his mother's room, smiling at her as she turned to see him.

She gasped as she saw Y/n, beckoning them inside.

"Are you y/n? Shoto talks so much about you!"

"Does he really?" Y/n teased, looking over at the boy as he coughed, covering his face.

Y/n reached into their pocket, pulling out a small box.

"Here, I uh, got you a present, it being Christmas and all." They nervously laughed handing Rei the small box.

She smiled widely thanking them with a nod.

She opened the box her eyes widening as she saw the necklace inside.

It was a silver necklace with a small snowflake charm, a small diamond in the center.

"I can never thank you enough for this." Rei laughed, weakly standing up and hugging Y/n.


Todoroki watched as his mother and Y/n interacted, seemingly as if having known each other for years.

"Oh! It's nearly noon! You two should be going, you have plans don't you?" Rei reminded.

Y/n raised an eyebrow.

"We do?"

Todoroki chuckled.

"We do."

He offered a hand to Y/n, ushering her out the door, before telling his mother goodbye.

"So where are we going?" Y/n asked poking Todoroki's arm.

"Somewhere." Todoroki teased back, looking over at them with a smirk.

"Oh c'mon! Please tell me!"

"You'll find out when we get there."

Todoroki stopped in front of a small restaurant, gesturing for Y/n to go inside.

They sat down at a table, Y/n looking around curiously.

"Is this a date?"

"I-I was hoping it would be...?"

"There is absolutely NO WAY I would turn down a date with you."


Todoroki and Y/n walked back into the common room sitting down on the couches, both of them happy and content.

"Oh! I forgot!" Y/n got up from the couch, running to their dorm and coming back with a semi-large box covered in red and white wrapping paper. They handed it to Todoroki, smiling as he tugged the wrapping paper off, his eyes staring at the gift.

It was a weighted blanket with both a heating and cooling feature.

"I figured you would like it since you mentioned being uncomfortable when-" Y/n paused when Todoroki leaned forward, his arms wrapping around them.

"Thank you, and here is your gift." He whispered, pulling away and handing them the small wrapped box.

They glanced up at him, carefully unwrapping it and gasping when they saw their gift.

It was a box of small polaroid photos of the two of them, a picture of each event.

A picture of Y/n hanging lights. A picture of them baking pies, a picture of them at the tree yard, a picture of them decorating the tree, a picture of them with Rei, and a picture of their date at the restaurant.

Y/n felt a wave of joy wash over them, jumping up in happiness before lurching forward and capturing Todoroki in a kiss.

The pair separated, staring at each other in shock.

"This was much better than all of my other Christmases."

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