Aizawa - Teaching is hard

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A/n: I haven't been introduced to 2-A yet so.

Quirk: Light solidification. User can Create beams of light into solid objects and back. When light is solidified it maintains its glow. The beam must be clearly visible, cut off by a shadow or object to have a sharp point. Drawback: When quirk is used too much light begins to burn user causing scorch marks and terrible sunburns to be common.

Hero costume above.

Aizawa sighed as he walked into the classroom.

The students bowed, giving him a greeting.

"Today, you will be training with 2-a."

A wave of murmurs and excited whispers spread throughout the class.

"Go change into your hero costumes and meet us outside in gym gamma."

The students quickly made their ways towards the locker rooms.

Aizawa stood patiently on the sidelines waiting for both the other class and his own.

He could see his students slowly exiting the locker rooms with purpose as they too waited for the elder U.A. students to arrive.

Everyone watched in awe as a woman with a flowy hero costume and a small smile walked through the door her class following.

"Good morning everyone! My name is Y/n L/n but you call me mom. I'm the teacher of class 2-a!"

Everyone shielded their eyes as her bright smile lit up the room.

"Mom?" Mina asked confused at the weird nickname.

"Y/n is a very respected teacher that always has a good relationship with her students. Most people call her mom, and she calls most of her students by their given name."

"Y-Y/n, isn't that her given name?"

"We're close so she asks me to call her that instead of her family name.

Aizawa answered for her, as he watched the woman usher her students, with a great sense of pride. She told them to find a student that looked capable and spar with them.

She made her way up to her fellow teacher giving him a small smile as they surveyed their students.

"Can't wait to have 'em next year." She whispered.

"Don't make em soft. You know how third year teachers are..."

"And you know I am anything but soft."

He chuckled his own smile starting to form.

"Lyrale do you not have a partner?" The woman asked a lone student.

"No mom."

"Well why don't you try to take out that spikey haired blonde over there, I hear he's quite the trouble maker..."

The female student pranced off to beat up the poor first year as the teachers tried to hold back their snickers.

Lyrale had a quirk that redirects attacks back at her opponents.

"He looks like he's about to explode, oh my god!" She laughed as the boy covered in ash stormed over to them.

She put on a straight face as he yelled his ass off.

"What, you can't handle a second year student. Look at her, she's made of glass, and you can't even put a dent in her..."

Aizawa forced down a laugh as the second year teacher teased the boy.

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