Todoroki Shoto - Kitsune

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Huli jing (Chinese: 狐狸精; literally: 'fox spirit') or jiuweihu (Chinese: 九尾狐; literally: 'nine-tailed fox') are Chinese mythological creatures who can be either good or bad spirits.

I don't really know anything about fox spirits but I found this ^^ in japan they are Kitsune though.

Sorry if I get anything wrong.

I scanned over the small village I protected. I was perched on a tall mountain searching for troubled villagers. Many foxes chose to be evil, but I had chosen to be one of the few protectors of my kind. My tails flicked back and forth my ears scanning for sounds. There was a rustle behind me and the only other fox spirit I have ever known emerged.

"Good evening Todoroki, It's a beautiful day isn't it?" I smiled. He nodded, never really the social type in all of our years on earth. He crouched down next to me joining my little scavenger hunt of heroics.

I spotted a your woman walking down an alley on my far right. She was carrying a bag that was overflowing with goods she had most likely bought from the market place a little ways down. Her green hair was half tied up and her dress swished around her shorter, plump form. A few men were crowded in an alley near where she was headed. I pointed at her grabbing Todoroki's attention. He nodded and we made our way over to where she was. By the time we got there the men had crowded around her, taking her bags and shoving her to the ground.

I form slowly changed as I hid behind a corner. My ears and tails shifting out of existence. I sauntered up to the group, my eyebrow raised.

"excuse me, what do you think you are doing?" My voice echoed as all of the men dropped their items and ran. Me and Todo had become the resident 'heroes' of the village.

"T-Thank you ma'am!" The woman gave her biggest smile and I helped her pick up her groceries. I could see Todoroki 'dealing' with the men behind her. He was more of a vigilante type anyway.

A young man with green hair the same shade as hers ran out of a flower shop down a few buildings. He thanked me many times and helped his mother back into the shop.

I waved giving a blinding smile.

I walked back into an alley playing around with my forms and digging for some loose change in my bag. Todoroki entered soon after, pulling out some money as well, his two toned hair returning. He always changed to look like someone else when 'dealing' with those who gave us trouble.

We walked around a bit buying things from vendors. We were regulars in many shops, (especially the soba stand) and were often given free things that we often payed for anyway.

We finished our haul, returning to the hill, snacking on the cold soba we were given.

"We should go to the dance tomorrow, it sounds like it will be fun." Todoroki said stoically. I nodded swallowing my soba.

"Absolutely! I haven't been to many dances, except for the one the chief held that time we saved his daughter." I said tapping my chin in thought.

"I have been to some, my father made me go to many before we met, the villagers think highly of us so we will most likely be welcome." He said his cold soba already finished.

We walked back to the small cabin we lived in, it was tattered but we made it work.

We said our goodnights and went our separate ways. My room was off of the living room while his was off of the kitchen area.


We made our way to the dance immediately greeted by many young children and their parents. We made it through them and were formally greeted by the hosts.

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