Midoriya x reader - autographs and awkward confessions

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Quirk flame dart: The user can create small arrow like objects that are engulfed in flames. They are fast and controlled by the mind. They can be used as a dull stick or as an arrow and are very lethal. User is immune to their power. They can also create small fires. Body becomes burnt if quirk is used too much.

This takes place after graduation. Reader has been on vacation, during reader's vacay, Midoriya's agency was attacked and a new one had to be built.

I feel like this isn't as good as I want it to be, and I might delete it later.


I walked down the hallways of my half built agency. My hardhat clinked against my earpiece, I looked around checking on the progress and watching for any problems. I looked over the blueprints, nodding to myself when everything checked out.

I stepped back from the exterior looking up at the multiple cranes and other heavy equipment in use.

"Hey, Midoriya!" I turned towards the sound of my best friends voice.

"Hey y/n, how was America?" I asked interested as to how things worked there.

"Let me tell you, that place was so damn dirty there was trash EVERY WHERE. Like it was worse than the beach before you came along. Nobody speaks Japanese, I'm just now realizing why I should have payed attention to Present Mic!" she rambled about America as we walked to the train station. I listened with great interest as we stepped on the train.

She took a moment to catch her breath. The nearly empty train was only filled by us and a few other people. A mother and her son, the lady that owns the flower shop down the street, and the guy who sleeps through the entire ride and ends up walking home.

"Anyway, enough about me, how've you been?" She asked her legs crossing in a girlish manner.

"Oh, well, while you were in America, our agency was, sort of attacked and destroyed. Everyone's ok, we just lost the building any everything in it. So that building I was at, is the new one!" Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion her expression looking like that of a sad puppy.

"Aww, I was stuck trash and McDonald's and you got a goof fight. The heroes in America don't even do anything. The only real heroes are like iron man and captain America." She wailed.

"Oh yeah, I've heard of those two, they're actually one of the reasons I believed I could be a hero." I looked out the window of the slowing train.

We hopped off and walked to the nearest café. We walked in heading to the counter. We ordered our coffees and sat in one of the two seaters.

We chatted for a bit sipping on our drinks.

"u-uh, excuse me sir?" I was interrupted when a small child about 3 or 4 walked up to me.

"Yes?" I asked curious as to what I was needed for.

"C-Can I have your autograph?" I was pleasantly surprised by their answer I gladly took their small book and pen delicately signing my name and hero name.

I waved nodding to the father who was escorting the child.

I turned back to y/n my eyes wide and my body jittering with excitement.

"Did you see that?! Someone wanted my autograph! ME!" I was so happy I hadn't realized she was laughing at me.

"Oh my gosh, why are you so excited you have plenty of fans that would like an autograph! You say it like no one likes you!" She seemed pretty surprised I was so excited.

"You really need to figure some stuff out Izuku." She chuckled continuing our conversation.

We finished our drinks heading to our apartments.

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