Bakugou (fantasy AU) - i wanna keep it*sd*

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Bakugou softly smiled as he watched his Fiancé   Run through the large field of flowers. He rolled his eyes as she beckoned for him to follow her. He jogged over to her, nearly tripping as she quickly pulled him towards a more thick section of daisies.

She smiled at him pulling him into a slow dance as natures music played around them.

The birds chirping and singing.

The light whistle of the wind.

The small sounds of rabbits near the tree line.

The whimper of a dragon-

The whimper of a dragon!?

Both turned quickly Bakugou drawing his sword as they scanned the area around them. Y/n's hand slipped into Bakugou'a elbow as her eyes narrowed at a small red object in the field.

"Kat is that... a baby?"

Bakugou quickly turned to see what she was pointing at, slowly handing her his sword as he walked towards the small animal.

It's eyes were still closed and is was whining and searching for something, most likely it's mother.

The dragon opened its eyes as Bakugou got closer, kneeling down in front of it as he reached out his hand.

The dragon slowly stepped into his palm, looking up with curiousity as it ran up his arm and sat across his shoulders.

"Awww. It's so cute, CAN WE KEEP IT!?" Y/n exclaimed, Bakugou covered her mouth listening for another dragon.

"No, it's a dragon, they belong in the wild Y/n."

"But he doesn't have a mother!"


"I kinda just assumed." She awkwardly smiled.

Bakugou rolled his eyes as the dragon rubbed against his face, clearly enjoying his attention.

"Fine, but as soon as it's able to leave, its gone."



Bakugou sighed as he watched his daughter pull a fake sword out from her small leather belt, he almost laughed as the small dragon blew out smoke in response. He jumped as two arms wrapped around his waist. He turned his head, smiling as his wife gave him a kissy face.

He rolled his eyes, leaning down to peck her lips as she smiled into the kiss. Y/n snorted as their daughter fake gagged and pretended to throw up as the dragon tilted his head. The dragon ran over to them, crawling up Bakugou's legs and laying down across his shoulders.

"Really, I wanted his attention too." Y/n hissed at the small red dragon, sticking out her tongue. She pulled away, stumbling as her daughter jumped into her arms.

"Guess they each have a favorite huh babe." Bakugou poked y/n's side, laughing as she squeaked, she growled at him, setting her daughter down as she patted her growing belly.

"Well, the dragon is going to have a new favorite pretty soon."

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