Bakugou - Sakura blossoms

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Quirk: forcefield

Bakugou punched a villain in the face, freezing as he heard a small scream. He turned seeing a rather intimidating villain reach for a small girl.

Bakugou dove grabbing the small girl as he rolled out of the way, ducking behind some rubble.

The villain growled with rage, running towards them, Bakugou set the girl down, holding up his weak hands as a large blast echoed through the large road where everyone was fighting.

The villain scoffed.

"You're a weak ass hero! That did nothing." The villain raised his fist, Bakugou's arms wrapped around the girl, holding her tight in an effort to protect her.

"I mean it sure as hell distracted you." A voice called from behind the villain, Bakugou smirked lifting his head to set off an even larger blast, fully pushing the villain to the ground as Y/n used her quirk to trap him.

Bakugou crumbled to his knees, panting as the girl shakily gripped his tank top.

Y/n ran over to them kneeling in front of them at Bakugou struggled to stand, falling as the little girl in his arms gave him a look of concern.

"Katsuki, you're not fit to right anymore, stay down."

"No I have to fight-"

"Stand down." Y/n hissed at him, running a hand through his blonde hair.

"Yeah maybe you're right." Bakugou breathed, resting his head against the crumbled wall of the building.

Y/n nodded, turning to the little girl in his arms.

"You make sure he stays hero okay." Y/n smiled, high fiving the girl, she waved her hand a small forcefield appearing around the pair as the girl sat in guard, growling cutely at any heroes that came near them.

Y/n finally came back with a few paramedics, helping Bakugou to his feet as they evaluated him.

"He'll be okay, just get at least ten hours of sleep and don't go to work for a few days." One of the paramedics smiled.

"Where are your parents sweetheart?" The man asked, the girl snarled.

"I didn't say you could call me that." She hissed, frowning, the paramedic's eyes widened awkwardly laughing as he took a step back.

"Yeah, she didn't say you could call her that, what the hell man?" Bakugou followed, smirking.

"Guys." Y/n sternly spoke, her arm still holding up Bakugou.

"Fine." The two said in unison.

"Okay, so, where are your parents." Bakugou asked.

"I don't have any." She simply responded.

She pointed at the destroyed orphanage they had been previously leaning against.

"I came from there." Bakugou and Y/n glanced between each other.


"Welcome to your new home kiddo." Bakugou introduced, gesturing towards the small apartment. Sakura, formerly known as 'the little girl', ran inside, smiling brightly as she ran around the house, similarly to a cat, looking at each crevasse and corner.

Bakugou smiled to himself as Y/n leaned against him, resting her head on his shoulder as they watched the young eleven year old run around.

"I feel like her and Eri would get along." Y/n whispered.

"She goes to the same school, they might know each other." Bakugou suggested.

"We'll find out Monday I suppose." Y/n laughed, picking up the small bright purple suitcase Sakura had brought. Y/n carried it to the spare bedroom, frowning as she saw the dull colors of the bedroom.

"I'll be right back Katsuki!"

"Where are you going?"

"The store!"

"Okay, love you, bye!"

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