Bakugou - golden

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*soulmate Au, when your soulmate gains an injury the scar shows up on your body but in gold. *


Quirk. Soul bolt

Bakugou walked into the changing room, multiple of his classmates following him.

He walked over to his locker, pulling off his shirt, and reaching in.

Kamanari gasped, as Kirishima's jaw fell open. Bakugo gave them a questioning look.

"Oi. What the hell are you staring at?!" He hissed. Kirishima pushes him in front of one of the mirrors, despite the multiple curses flowing from the blondes mouth.

He scoffed, finally turning to the mirror as he froze in his tracks.

All over his stomach and upper arms were small gold scars, about an inch in length. There were at least thirty on his left bicep and maybe twelve on his right and there were three larger ones on his stomach.

The boys watched in shock as Bakugo's eyes rapidly flickered between each cut. He brought a hand up to one in his stomach, poking at the gold.

"What happened to your soulmate bro?" Kirishima muttered.

"More like what did his soulmate do.." Iida cut in.

Bakugou remained quiet, returning to his locker. He slipped back into his uniform making his way back to the dorms as usual.

Kirishima ran up to Bakugou, tapping his shoulder.

"Hey! Bakugou! I was just wondering if you already know your soulmate... y'know, because of earlier."

"Yeah I do actually..."

"Who is it!?" Kamanari ran up too, over hearing.

"None of your shit."

"Please tell us!"

"Look. I'll give you one clue."

"OKAY!" The other boys responded in unison.

"You don't know her."

"What!" Kamanari whined.

"That's not fair bakubro! There's tons of girls we don't know!"

"You'll figure it out someday." Bakugou answered, pushing open the door of the dorms.

He made his way towards the elevator, rolling his eyes as the door shut just before the others could get off.

He walked down the hallway towards his dorm, pulling out his phone. He pressed on a contact.


"...yes?" The other side said sheepishly as Bakugou opened his dorm door, throwing his bag on the bed.

"Did you do it again?"


"I'm on my way."

"Katsuki I-" he pressed the end call button before she could reject him, he changed into regular clothes, texting Aizawa where he was going.

He slung his bag over his shoulder, locking his door once again. He made his way towards the elevator, waiting patiently as the music played.

"Bakugou!" Kirishima called as Bakugou walked through the common room.

"What shitty hair."

"Where are you off to?"

"Somewhere, oi deku!" Bakugou called past Kirishima.

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