Immortals- pt.1

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This was written by my friend! She has given me permission to put this in my story. Credit all goes to her, I just edit her story. I will credit her if it is hers.

Immortals (a day before the Usj incident)
Chapter 1:

3rd persons PoV

Y/n sighed in annoyance, pressing her hands into her temples. Her h/c hair pulled up in a messy bun (or with down if your hair is short), wearing jeans and a red flannel over her white shirt. Y/n places down the papers, her eyebrows cocked upwards.

"So you're asking me to be a teacher at UA? "

"Yes, we believe that you could be a benifical asset to U.A. It says here that you are 24?"

"Well, I'm physically 24 and I'm like, 90 mentally"

Y/n was a rather cynical girl, as a holder of an unusual quirk. She had been diagnosed quirkless, but as soon as she had hit her 24th birthday, she had stopped aging. When she went to the doctor, it was revealed that she did, indeed, have a quirk.

Y/n possesses the quirk immortality, which made her stop aging all together, and made her immortal and unkillable. It is impossible for her to age, but she isn't immune to any weapons. For example, if she was stabbed by a knife, she would feel the pain, but not be in danger of dying. Her body cannot physically die.

"We are aware of your quirk Ms. L/n, and we think that it can enable you to be a better teacher for the students."

"As long as I don't have to be a P.E teacher, I'm in."

"That is quite alright Ms.L/n"

Y/n's Pov

I huff out a breath of annoyance, snapping my book shut. Books are the only thing that I could relate with, due to my quirk. I'm rather unexcited to be teaching these moody 16 year olds, but whatever.

I get up from my desks chair, getting ready to teach some annoying children. They filter in to the room, and a couple of them catch my eye. The broccoli, hedgehog, and the peppermint all seem to be important and the 'big three' of the class. Whatever, let's teach some kids.

"Sit down children, before I beat you with a broom." I hiss, annoyed how they all crowd around desks instead of sitting down at their seats. Wait, turbo legs seems to be sitting down. Huh, a respectful kid.

I can see the kids tense up, and they all head to their seats. The hedgehog looks angry, I think he's grumbling to himself.

How annoying.

"Lisen up children, I'm your new teacher. Call me by my code name in class, which is Immoriam. I'm going to be teaching you uncultured swines battle tactics, so be prepared to learn about evasive maneuvers, how to navigate the air with your quirks, and how to tone down damage." A few kids snickered, rolling their eyes.

I roll my own eyes, noticing the first three (broccoli head, peppermint, and blonde hedgehog) seem to be paying attention. I pick up the chalk and move over to my chalkboard. I point the chalk to the blonde boy, and ask him this question.

"You, hedgehog, whats your quirk?"

"What the hell did you call me?" I break chalk, and quickly chuck it at him. He hisses in annoyance, and I narrow my eyes.

"I didn't get the pleasure of hearing your name or quirk, so speak up."

"The names Kastuki Bakugo, and you better rember it, cause that be the name of the number one hero!" He yells out, pointing at me. I shrug, unaffected by his monologue.

Then, he holds his palm up, creating explosions. I smell Carmel strongly, so I simply smile.

"Great sparky. So you can generate a nytrogleneric sweat that explodes. Interesting quirk." I draw a stick figure with spiky hair and draw a arrow going up at a 90 degree angle.

"Your quirk can be extremely useful, so pay attention. Using the energy from your explosion, you can create enough energy to propel yourself forward in the air."

"This creates a whole new level of strategies for you to use. Sparky over there has a ideal quirk for sharp air maneuvers. Everyone here should be able to come up with creative uses for their quirks."

"So that's your assignment, I want you to write a report of different ways to creatively use your quirk." I notice the broccoli writing in a burnt notebook, so he's a journalist. I'll have to keep an eye on him.

"Wait, so you are saying that we must find a way to creatively use our quirks Mrs.Immoriam?" Turbo legs asks, pushing up his glasses. I nod my head.

"Since I jumped in for your other teacher, you guys can start planning ahead for this project. I want it turned in no later than 1 week after your USJ feildtrip. Dismissed"

To be continued....

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