Iida Tenya - Shirts

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A/n: Sorry, I promise I'm not dead. I was at a sleepover and my insomnia was a bitch, I stayed up till 3;00 AM with my friends and had four cups of coffee the next morning, I still passed out after four cups of coffee man. I just really like the song it kind of gave me the coffee idea, it has nothing to do with the story.

Quirk: Shadow knight: User can summon any sort of weapons from shadows and solidify them to be sharper than a double edged sword. Drawback: User can barely ever sleep unless something is helpful or comforting to them. Eyes turn black when quirk is used.

Y/n sighed in content as she sipped on her coffee (or tea!). She stepped into the common room, sitting down on the couch next to Bakugou and Iida.

"Hi, guys." She yawned, still tired. Bakugou scoffed, flicking her forehead. She glared, scooting herself farther away from him and more towards Iida.

"Hey, L/n san! You should play truth or dare with us!" Mina suggested.

"I guess, it might wake me up." She responded simply.

"Alright truth or dare?" Mina sneakily asked.


Mina smiled mischievously causing everyone to sweat drop in fear for their close friend. Mina leapt off of the couch pulling Y/n up, causing her to almost spill her coffee.

"This isn't gonna end well, Iida, will you hold my coffee please?" Y/n asked groggily, handing the boy her mug.

Mina pulled the girl down the hallway towards the boys dorms. Causing a few raised brows.

Mina opened one of the doors quietly, looking around. Y/n looked around in confusion.

'Books galore.

Neat made bed.

Organized everything.


Wait a minute.'

"Mina! What are we doing in Iida's dorm?" Y/n hissed.

"Oh, hush, we both know you like him. You're just gonna steal one of his shirts..."

"Let me guess-"

"And wear it!"

Y/n groaned as Mina shuffled through Iida's closet full of polos.

She pulled out a large blue button up and threw it at the other girl, watching with pride as she slipped into it.

"Don't you dare say we have to go back to the common room-"

"Let's go!"

Y/n was dragged along in horror, being pushed to stand in front of everyone her face bright red.

Midoriya raised a brow.

"Is that one of Iida's-"


The girl demanded. Bakugou bust out laughing, as everyone snickered at her.

The shirt was nearly double her size, covering her shorts and going down to about her mid thigh. The sleeves were covering her hands and the collar too large. The shirt sagged greatly, hiding her form and curves. She stiffly sat down next to Iida. Thanking him quietly as he handed her the mug.

He casually leaned down next to her.

"If it counts for anything you look really cute."

She squeaked as he pulled away, her face still burning red.

"u-Uh, Midoriya, truth or dare!"


"What do you have for me in your hero journal?" Midoriya began to turn red as y/n's color returned to normal. He pulled the small notebook out of his bag, handing it to her as she leaned to grab it.

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