Momo - crying on the dance floor

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Slight warning bc of a panic attack :(

Momo nervously scanned the ballroom, slowly becoming more and more claustrophobic as people filed into the already crowded room.

Momo sneakily whispered into the com in her ear.

"Can we please hurry, I'm so uncomfortable." She spoke, biting her lip as she stared down in her punch glass.

"We can't pull you out of there right now. Sorry Momo." Todoroki spoke back, he was outside in the classic 'secret spy' van, knowing he would bring attention to himself, being endeavor's son and all.

Momo shifted her stance, uncomfortably looking around the room again.

"Momo, I'm going in to help." Y/n spoke through her own com, as she slipped out of the van.

She was there for backup, or if Momo backed out.

"Okay..." Momo responded, trying not to hyperventilate as she saw a small group of men whisper to each other and point at her.

One began heading her way.

"Oh no." Momo trembled, already uncomfortable, though he was still a good thirty feet away.

"Hey little lady." He greeted, leaning against the counter she was sitting at. His southern accent thick and gravely, almost as gravely as a dirt rode.

"Hi." She responded with a shy smile, scooting further away.

"Momo what's going on." Bakugou whispered from the dance floor, dancing with a random woman.

Momo stayed silent as the man flirted bashfully, his attempts all in vein as he tried to be forward.

Y/n opened the ballroom doors, immediately making eye contact with Bakugou.

She slipped onto the dance floor, attaching to Bakugou as she looked for Momo.

"She's at the bar." Bakugou said quickly breaking away from Y/n as she moved on to dance with a different man.

She carefully bowed to him, making her way towards Momo and the mystery man.

"So, what'dya say me and you get out of here."

"No, I don't think-"

"Momo!" Y/n called happily, running up to the girl.

"Oh, sorry! I didn't realize you two were having a conversation!" Y/n apologized.

"I hate to do this but I'm going to have to take my girlfriend here." Y/n finished, the man's face fell as he heard the word 'girlfriend',

Momo stood, stumbling as Y/n dragged her away to the dance floor.

They danced together ignoring the many judgmental looks the older folks were giving them.

"I'm sorry I didn't come in sooner Momo." Y/n spoke spinning the black haired girl.

"I-It's okay, can we just leave soon." Momo whimpered, a single tear falling down her cheek.

"Of course, Bakugou has the suit case, so were gonna have to make a run for it." Y/n almost laughed as they danced their way closer to the door.

"Now." Y/n spoke, pulling away from the large crowd of dancers.

They thanked the guard at the door leaving as their heels clacked against the hard pavement outside the building. Bakugou soon followed, nodding at the guard as they all made their way towards the van.

The door slid open, Midoriya getting out to help Momo into the van.

She was breaking down at this point, mascara spreading across her face each time she rubbed her eyes.

Y/n sat down next to her on the bench as the van sped away, headed back to the hero agency.

"Good work on the practice assessment guys." Aizawa spoke over the intercom.

"Y/n, you and Momo can go back to the dorms, I need to talk with the others." He finished, a loud beep ringing out as the coms cut off.


Bakugou, Todoroki and Midoriya walked into the dorm common room, snickering as they saw Y/n and Momo unconscious on the couch, cuddling.

Bakugou pulled out his phone, snapping a quick picture for blackmail. Todoroki forced him to delete it, knowing Y/n's wrath wasn't worth the short-lived victory.

Bakugou grumbled to himself, shoving his phone into his pocket as he deleted the overly adorable picture (we all know he sent it to himself first)

Midoriya simply laughed and moved on, not knowing either girl well enough to make any assumptions.

Bakugou snuck one last glance at the class-genius and his best friend, smiling.

"She finally got what she wanted."

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