Momo - New clothes *Small drabble*

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A/N: This is a small drabble because my mom did this with me and I find it hilarious. (*Internally screams in closeted bisexual*)

Whoo! (*nervously sweating*) the next ones a doozy!

Y/n wandered through the large grocery store, pushing the large cart full of various groceries, clothing items and small furniture items.

Her mother followed behind her, the (small, large, average) heighted woman trotted a little slower behind the highschooler, her back not as good as it used to be.

Y/n abandoned the cart turning towards a large rack of shirts, one in particular catching her eye.

'Be yourself' It read in rainbow embroidery, Y/n glanced back at her mother, pulling the shirt off of the rack.

"Hey mom, what about this one?" She asked nervously. Her mother looked at it, thinking to herself.

"Yeah, I like it."

Y/n internally cheered and died in happiness.

Her first pride merch and no one has to know.

She threw it in the cart anxiously waiting for her mother to finish up.


Y/n burst into the dorm building startling her multiple classmates that were resting on the couch.

"You will never guess what I tricked my mom into buying."

Y/n was a very closed off person, but she trusted her classmates and had recently come out to them as (sexuality).

Her classmates stood up walking over to her in excitement.

"What the fuck is so important that I need-" Bakugou paused as his eyes landed on the shirt. Y/n smirked as he blinked, contemplating.

Bakugou was not comfortable with many people, but Y/n, he was himself. So she obviously knew he was straight as a fricken onion ring.

"Can I borrow that on Saturday." Bakugou stated causing a few of their classmates to do a double take.

"Sure! Just be sure to not explode it!" She responded cheerily.

Momo watched from a distance, jealous of her close friend's open personality.

Y/n noticed her jogging over.

"Momo, did you see my new shirt!" She said, handing the girl the white and rainbow t-shirt.

"Can I also... borrow it?" She muttered, her finger's grazing over the bold letters.

"Sure, but why?" Y/n asked, clueless.

A few classmates smacked their foreheads or groaned in annoyance at their obviously crushing and closeted classmates.

"I think I'm ready to come out..." Momo answered truthfully erupting a gasp from a few of her hidden classmates.

She blushed, looking up at her ecstatic friend.

"YES!" Y/n screamed, causing Momo to flinch.

"Oh god, now Sero owes me 2000 yen!" She mumbled hugging Momo.

Momo paused, frozen in shock, people expected her to come out?...

"Momo, I know this is really sudden, but will you go in a date with me?"

Momo froze again, happiness slowly overtaking her features.

"Yes! Can we go get tea?!" She begged causing Y/n to enthusiastically nod.

Their classmates shielded their eyes.

"Too bright!" They all muttered, blinded by the adorable scene taking place.

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