Hawks - secret

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A/N: In this story you are a league of villains member. You and Hawks are secretly dating, the rest of the league doesn't know.

Quirk: Magma fist. When activated a coating (size is your choice) of lave, magma, fire or rock coats your fist. If used too much it can burn the user. (Villain costume above)

*Light swearing and mention of smoking*

Just a small drabble. Much short, very fun.

I stood in the alley my back against the wall facing Hawks who was on the other side. We were talking casually about anything and everything. We did this nearly everyday, since this was around the area he patrolled. We only ran into heroes a few times and we would just act like we were fighting.

I pushed myself of the wall walking a little closer about to say goodbye. I reached out to grab his hand. When a hero rounded the corner looking at us in shock.

"I'm so sorry' I whispered.

I reeled my hand back and clocked him in the face rock coating my fist very thinly.

I turned back to the other hero smirking before running the other way.

I bust into the hideout laughing my ass off. everyone turned to me very confused as to what the hell was wrong with me.

I sat on the couch still chuckling. I sat next to Dabi ignoring him I spread out across the couch.

He sent me a harsh glare clearly annoyed at my legs strewn across his lap.

"Nah, I'm good." I responded cockily.

Hawks opened the door it slammed against the wall and I started laughing again, It turned into a coughing fit.

"god, I told you to stop fucking smoking you're gonna get popcorn lung." Hawks hissed.

I shrugged looking back at his face before snorting again.

He sighed and turned to the bar, asking for a coca cola.

"Jeeze, what the hell happened to you?" Shigaraki asked.

Hawks had a bloody nose and several rocks stuck to his cheek. His nose was severely bruised and his eye didn't look much better. I was laughing so hard I was crying at this point.

"Gosh, I get it I look terrible but would you stop laughing," He snarled. I shut my mouth tightly letting out a snort or two.

"And, to answer your question she happened." He finished I snorted again.

"Why?" Dabi asked clearly amused.

"We were talking in an alleyway and a hero saw us so she resorted to punching me in the damn face!" He yelled more annoyed now than ever.

"I have a broken nose and a black eye." He hissed.

"Alright, alright, quit whining." I shot back.

I grabbed his hand pulling him off of his bar stool and leading him back to my room.

I could hear a few snickers from behind us but payed them no mind.

I sat him down on the edge of my bed and walked over to my closet. I pulled out my emergency med kit.

I sat down next to him ripping open a band-aid.

"Did you really have to punch me?" He asked.

I sighed.

"I really am sorry, it was just the first thing I thought of that would keep you out of trouble."

I looked down, feeling a bit more guilty than I had earlier. I was a well known villain and he was a well known hero. Seeing us just talking, much less hugging, would kill his entire job.

"It's fine babe, just, maybe don't use your quirk next time." He chuckled.

I giggled pulling some rocks out of his cheek, muttering a sorry every time he hissed or yelped.

I rubbed some cream on the bruises. Kissing his eye to make it better.

His arms slid around my waist pulling me into his chest.

I wrapped my arms around him in return sighing peacefully.

We heard footsteps down the hall and scrambled to pick up.

I got up rushing over to the closet putting away the kit.

Dabi opened my door both eyes closed. He opened one seeing the coast clear and then the other.

Hawks and I both looked at him our brows furrowed and eyes questioning.

"Handy man told me to make sure you guys weren't-" I cut him off not wanting to get into that conversation.

"How did you know?" I asked. We hadn't told them we were dating yet, so how did they know?

"Wait, what?" Dabi asked confused too.

Hawks got up standing next to me one of his arms wrapping around my waist protectively.

"How did you guys know we're dating?" Hawks finished for me.

Dabi's eyes widened.

"Guys you'll never believe what I just found out!" He yelled running down the hall towards the living room.


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