Kirishima - Punching bag *small drabble*

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Y/n continuously hit the punching bag, her anger flowing through her. Her eyes were focused on her actions, her fist hitting the punching bag with a force Bakugou could envy.

"Are you ok?" Kirishima asked, coming up beside her.

She whipped around, socking him in the nose, with the same force she would with the punching bag. He fell to the floor groaning as she dropped to her knees beside him.

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry, you just startled me so much and I was so focused-"

"It's ok." He chuckled through the pain, holding his nose tightly, stopping the blood flow.

"That was super manly!" He exclaimed, smiling at her. She buried her face in her hands, a large amount of blush rising on her cheeks.

"No it wasn't! I hurt you!" She whined, pulling her hands away from her face, Kirishima stood up offering a hand. She pulled her self up with his support, brushing herself off.

"I'm really sorry..." She whispered.

"No. It's fine, I just want to know what has you so angry that you could break my nose!"

"I BROKE YOUR NOSE!?" She screamed her motherly side kicking in. She grabbed his hand dragging him down the hall and shoving him into Recovery girl's office. She forces his hand away from his face so the elderly woman could see his nose.

Recovery girl winced, pulling out some cotton balls and handing them to him.

"Geeze, what did that?" The old woman asked. Kirishima chuckled again.

"More like who." Y/n blushed again, causing recovery girl to nod in understanding.

"What did he do to deserve it?"

"That's kind of the thing, I was training, uh, so I was punching the punching bag and he startled me and I kind of broke his nose..." Y/n explained causing both Kirishima and Recovery girl to laugh.

Recovery girl kissed his nose, the injury healing itself quickly.


Kirishima waved, yawning, his hand slipped into Y/n's as they walked down the hall.

"Babe, seriously, what made you so mad?" Kirishima asked, brushing his finger over her knuckles.

"It's just that there is so much shit going on with training and everything, Iida has been really pushing me lately and it's starting to physically hurt me every time we do a training exercise. I was training so I could improve my stamina, but I still get really hurt or sore." She explained with a sigh, Kirishima frowned, he stopped, pulling her into a big hug, she smiled, burying her face in his chest.

"Thank you." She whispered, kissing his cheek as they pulled away.

He smiled at her widely, forgetting what he had originally planned to ask her.

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