Tamaki - Butterflies *sd*

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This one isn't for you Sam. Fuck you, I did this chapter because I was feeling it, not because of you, leave me alone

Tamaki shuffled down the large hallway, coming to a stop behind a girl searching her locker, she finally found her book turning around and squeaking when she saw the boy.

"Tamaki! You scared me!"

"I'm about as intimidating as a butterfly, I don't see how I could have scared you so easily."

"Eh, it's more of the fact I didn't know you were there."

"Oh, I suppose."

"Are you training after school? Or do you wanna come get ice cream with me and the gang?"


"Yay! See you at three!"


Tamaki nervously looked around as he waited outside of the school gate, looking around for his friends.

He saw Mirio and Nejire walking together talking loudly as they made their way towards him.

Y/n stumbled out of the school behind them, nearly dropping her books as she ran to catch up.

"Tamaki! You made it!"

"W-wouldn't miss I-it for the world..." He shyly smiled, a light blush coating his cheeks. Butterflies swirled around his stomach, making him all the more nervous than he already was.

She smiled back, shoving her books into her bag, slinging it over her shoulder. she linked her arm in his as his hands tensed in his pockets, her own arm pulling him along the sidewalk as they followed Nejire and Mirio.

She made light conversation with him, mainly talking so he didn't have to. She occasionally asked him the simple question, such as ' have you ever hear of ____?' or 'did you ever go to ____' He always responded with yes or no, the only two words his brain could produce at the moment from their close proximity.

They finally made it to the ice cream parlor, walking inside of the pink and teal decorated shop.

"I'll have a Vanilla and a coffee please." Mirio ordered, paying for him and Nejire's drinks.

Tamaki nearly hid behind Y/n as she ordered their ice creams, ordering a (favorite flavor) and a bubble gum,

She watched in patience as the cashier nodded, quickly making their ice creams and handing them to Y/n as she handed money in return.

Tamaki tried to protest and pay but his anxiety kicked in when the cashier gave him a weird look.

"It's okay Tamaki! I promise I'll let you pay next time."

"If you say so..." Tamaki meekly took the ice cream from her hands, sitting down across from her as Nejire and Mirio slid into the booth with them.

Mirio and Nejire glanced at each other making up a terrible excuse as they looked down t their nonexistent watches.

"Oh! Gotta go! Bye!" Mirio smiled, running off with Nejire as they occasionally glanced back at their two confused friends.

"Wanna go to the butterfly emporium?" Y/n asked.

"I know it's your favorite." She finished, he nodded, getting up from the seat as she once again looped her arm in his, he was less nervous this time, and more relaxed than usual, the butterflies in his stomach, slowly fading.

They made their way down the sidewalk towards the emporium laughing at the corny jokes Y/n told.

"Okay okay, why did the parrot cross the road?" She giggled to herself. Tamaki hummed in return, tilting his head slightly.

"It was the chicken's day off!" She exclaimed, Tamaki snorted a large smile spreading across his face as they stopped in front of the emporium. He paid for both admission tickets, remembering Y/n earlier promise as he greeted the keeper at the front door.

"Ah Tamaki! Here for your weekly visit?" The keeper asked, smiling, he turned and saw Y/n laughing to himself.

"And you brought your girlfriend too!"

Tamaki froze, turning bright red as Y/n simply hummed, leaning to kiss his cheek.

He turned more red, curling into himself as they started walking away from the keeper.

"Aww, look!" Y/n cooed, pointing at two monarchs, flying together.

"They look like us!"

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