Bakugou - a pillow dumbass pt.1

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*kinda angsty but it gets better(just like all of the other ones-) light mention of blood*****

Bakugou let out a low groan as his eyes fluttered open. He scanned the room. Squinting at the low lighting.

He tried to stand being harshly yanked back down when the ropes kn his feet and hands snapped back into place.

He tried his explosions, the small bursts barely creating a scratch on the thick braids of twine. He huffed, glaring down at his barley visible hands.

His ears strained for any signs of life around him. He closed his eyes trying to block his other senses.

His rubies shit open when he heard a small whimper from the other side of the wall he was leaned against.

"Hey!" He yelled, earning a yelp in response.

"What do you want from me?!" The girl whimpered.

"Oh, shit, uh, nononono, I was kidnapped too, my names Bakugou.... do you have any idea where we are?"


"Have you heard of the league of villains?"

"Dammit! Again!?" Bakugou hissed at himself, he opened his mouth to speak only to be cut off by the girl's begging as she was dragged further and further away from Bakugou's earshot.

"No... nonononononono...." he whispered, trying to stop imagining what could be happening.

His door slammed open, Shigaraki walking in menacingly.

"Take him to the other room."

"But we only have one, and we jus moved the girl in there?"

"I don't give a shit, put them in the same room for all I care!"

"Okay! Okay."

Bakugou growled as Dabi stepped closer to him. Small controlled explosions erupted from his hands, causing the burnt villain to scoff, grabbing Bakugou by the wrist instead.

Bakugou winced as his back hit the wall of the newest room, a small gasp erupted from next to him, as the girl shifted away hurriedly.

She panted, staring at him in terror.

"It's okay, I'm a future hero..." he tried to reassure, ignoring the blood dripping down his forehead and nose.

"You-You're bleeding..." she whispered, slowly moving towards him, she reached a hand towards his face, causing him to flinc, but not move entirely.

She quietly apologised, a small (f/c) glow covering his eyesight. He looked up at her in confusion as all of his injuries slowly healed.

She gave a weak smile, her eyes drooping and body swaying as she collapsed onto the floor.

Bakugou caught her as best he could with his bonded hands. He lifted her onto her back, laying her head in his lap as he leaned back against the wall.

"This is not good..."

Time skip

Y/n yawned as she lifted her head form the ground, she sighed as she looked around again.

"Another day..."

"What do you mean another day." She jumped upon hearing Bakugou's voice, awkwardly smiling at him.

"Well, I've been here for three weeks." She shyly answered, looking back up at him as he gave her a shocked look.

"You mean to tell me you haven't seen the light of day in THREE WEEKS?!"

"Well, they make me buy groceries... so I'm, I do see the light of day, but I'm not allowed to talk to friends..."

"That's f*cked up."

"I guess..."

He sighed, yawning to himself.

"You should get some sleep..."

"Only if you do too."


"Cause I'm still a hero, kidnapped or not."

"Fair point"

She mumbled, laying back down. Bakugou glances at her, rolling his eyes as he fumbled with his shirt.

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing." He hissed, ripping his shirt just enough. He looked around, gathering as many leaves and other brush he could find in the dark.

"Okay." He scoffed, looking down at the pile of leaves and small sticks, made soft with the fabric of his shirt.

"There you go."

"What is it."

"A pillow dumasss."



"Thank you."

BNHA Oneshots and drabbles Volume -1-Where stories live. Discover now