Bakugou - Souls

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Soulmate AU Where the first words you ever say to your soulmate are tattoed on your wrist.

I honestly wish I had never shown any of my friends this book because now I can't express myself :( They never have the same opinions and they don't like mine :/

I don't remember shit from this episode so this is gonna suck but here we go.

Bakugou stared down at the arena below him glaring at one of the participants.

Y/n L/n

Basically the best hero that anyone could ask for, or the worst villain the world had ever seen, most everyone was glad she hadn't chosen the latter.

Her quirk was... powerful, to say the least.

Bakugou nearly sat up in shock as he watched a bright yellow orb appear in the girl's hand. it was the size of a softball, possibly bigger. Her opponent froze, his face never moving and his body stiffening. She stuffed the orb in her pocket, jogging over and easily pushing the seemingly lifeless boy out of bounds.

"L/n wins again!"


Bakugou stared ahead at the girl in front of him.

He knew he might not win this fight.

She stood incredibly straight at the moment, as opposed to Bakugou's aggressive slouch. She smiled at him giving a small wave as the round started.

She raised her hand, smirking as Bakugou tried to light an explosion at her.

Another orb appeared in her hand watching with a smile as Bakugou's body nearly turned to stone. She walked over to his body, dragging it along and out of bounds as she returned the orb to his chest.

He tried to lunge at her, immediately being sedated by Midnight.

"L/n wins!" Present Mic yelled.

She waved to the crowd smiling to them widely.

She was guided to the podiums occasionally glancing down at a very irritated Bakugou who was in restraints and was NOT happy.

All Might forced the second place medal onto him ignoring the fact that not only was Bakugou unwilling to accept, but he was also having PTSD.

Y/n's hand gracefully swiped over his shoulder, a singular, marble shaped orb appearing in her hand.

Bakugou calmed, his aggression seizing as he simply looked sad instead.

They were allowed return to the dorms, as the newest part of 1-a was ordered to move her stuff over.

She easily moved all of her stuff into the extra room, she flopped onto her bed, rolling over as she tried to push all of the extra personality traits away.

QUIRK: Soul stealer, the user can either steal personality traits or actual souls. When a stolen soul touches their skin they absorb a partial bit of that personality, however with enough training they can push away these personality traits.

Bakugou growled at himself as he stomped down the hallway towards the new girl's room.

He knocked on the door harshly, tapping his foot as he waited.

Y/n's eyes shot opened, standing up and walking over to the door, she smiled as she saw Bakugou.

"How the hell did you know." He hissed.

Y/n froze, glancing down at her wrist.

"I-I didn't mean to upset you." She mumbled. Bakugou also froze rolling his long sleeve up his arm, staring down at the fading letters.

"So, it's you I guess." he sighed. He glanced around the hallways, pushing her back into the room gently and closing the door behind him.

"This really isn't how I imagined this going down." Y/n chuckled to herself, sitting down on her bed as she continued to push the personalities away from herself.

Bakugou sat down next to her, staring as he watched her eyes shift in and out of focus as she pushed each personality trait away.

She finally finished, looking back up at him with an awkward smile.

"So, we're soulmates." Bakugou stated bluntly.

"Yeah... Uh.. do we tell anyone?"


"Why not?"

"They'll bother us CONSTANTLY, I'm surprised you don't know that by now."

"Yeah I guess you're right... but like... how do we... proceed."

"Did you just use 'proceed' in a sentence describing your relationship with your soulmate."

"I'm nervous okay!"

Bakugou gave a small smile, leaning against the wall as they discussed their next move.


Bakugou sighed as he was paired with Kirishima for a sparring match.

Aizawa raised an eyebrow as he saw Bakugou's disappointment.

"Bakugou are you going to ask to finally spar with someone else or are you going to ask to train alone again." Aizawa glared.

"Yeah, L/n."

"Oh shit." Aizawa mumbled.

"Yeah, huh, Aizawa watched as Hagakure, Y/n's partner, agreed to go with Kirishima.

"Remember everyone, hand-to-hand combat, no quirks." Aizawa shouted, keeping a close eye on Bakugou.


Bakugou smirked as he watched Y/n smiled from across the sparring pad.

"So, no quirks huh?" She smirked back.

Bakugou cracked his knuckles.

"Lets do this sunshine." He growled snarkily, running at her.


Bakugou snuck down the girl's dorm hallway, knocking gently on the door. It quietly opened a wide-awake Y/n appearing in the doorway.

She let him in, smiling as he pecked her forehead. She walked over to the bed allowing him to lay down, pulling out a book as she crossed her legs over his, leaning against the wall. He occasionally glanced up at her, watching as she nodded off, her own book resting in her lap.

She eventually fully fell asleep leaning against the wall and slowly falling onto her side. Bakugou let out a breathy laugh, gently easing her down next o him, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

"At least it's a Saturday night." He whispered to himself.

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