Bakugou - separation (the prequel)

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As you can tell this is the prequel, there fore it will be written in italics, and you might need to go read the actual chapter afterwards.

QUIRK: Star shield


Bakugou's eyes widened as he felt his chest tighten, the room just seemed too... loud

But then again, the ringing in his ears seemed louder, his pupils shrank as he stared at the floor beneath him, shaking furiously as his 'friends' gave him weird looks before running out into the hall to watch the fight.

He could feel what seemed like water flowing from his eyes, but his head was down so it wasn't like anyone would see... or would they?

Y/n stood from her chair, glancing around the empty classroom before running over to Bakugou, kneeling down in front of him.

"Bakugou? Are you okay?" She whispered, he tried to shake his head, but a sob slipped through his lips. the room was quiet now, the only sound, Bakugou's heavy breathing and sobs. Y/n took another look at the door, rolling her eyes as she saw through the window, that the teacher was not trying to stop the fight at all, clearly needing an excuse to get out of teaching.

"Bakugou, I'm going to touch you okay?" Bakugou only half nodded in response, not being able to see through the salt water coming from his eyes.

As Y/n's hand made contact with Bakugou's. She yelped as explosions erupted from her thigh and Bakugou was engulfed in a large shield trapping him. His eyes widened his breathing speeding up as Y/n was separated from him. She quickly ran over ignoring the explosions on her thigh, pounding on the thin material of the shield.

Bakugou recoiled into himself in the shield, trying not to pass out as his mind raced with thoughts.

Y/n finally, in a rushed moment of adrenaline, punched through the shield, her chest heaving, she continued opened a space big enough for Bakugou to crawl (more like be pulled) out of.

He fell to the floor on his knees, before being pulled into a hug by Y/n, her arms wrapping around his, still, shaking form.

He pressed his face into her shoulder, his breathing calming and his body allowing him to move once again.

"Did, did, did you really just trap me in a shield."

"No, Bakugou, No, I-, I don't know what happened, but my thigh started to explode, so there's that."

"Shit..." Y/n hummed questioningly, pulling away from the hug to look at Bakugou's eyes, it suddenly clicked for her as well, her eyes slowly trailing down to her skirt, she slightly lifted it, her arms pulling away from Bakugou.

She froze as the outline of an explosion appeared, then soon, color.

Bakugou almost started crying again.

"I'm so sorry." He whispered.

Y/n's eyes snapped back to Bakugou as the words slipped out of him, his eyes, finally meeting her own.

"I guess you're kind of stuck with a piece of shit for a soulmate."

"Yeah, well, I'm pretty sure that 'piece of shit' you speak of, is going to be the number 1 hero." Bakugou couldn't help but smile. He, in a way, was glad it was her, he had been taking more and more notice of her as she got closer to him, but he had still hurt her, and he regret it.

Bakugou glanced at her tattoo again, pausing as he saw a glimpse of a small red line, higher up her thigh.

'probably just a stretch mark.' (CUZ THEY'RE NORMAL AND COME WITH PUBERTY)

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