Bakugou Katsuki-the beauty of pain

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A/N: (F/C) means favorite color. In this your quirk is Soul bolt. You can move your body with waves of electricity, that includes cell phone waves, or pure electricity.. This takes place after the dorms. Like, one curse word. One mention of M*neta being M*neta.


Bakugou sat and watched as you walked down the hallway. He had always been in love with you. You would just never know.

He coughed, the blue flower petals trying to escape his throat. He rested his hand over his mouth the muffle the rugged breaths he was taking. Kirishima rested a calming hand on his shoulder. Kaminari tapped on Bakugou's shoulder and handed him a napkin to wipe off the blood. The flowers in his throat refused to go away, and seeing you with that stupid Deku was NOT helping.

You and Midoriya had been friends since you were little. You protected him from Bakugou when the blonde was angry, and you calmed down Bakugou when he felt like blowing up the city. You had always been a little closer to Bakugou, but lately he felt like you were distancing yourself from him.

He coughed again, the bright blue lightning shaped petals falling into his palm. He sighed. He wanted to tell you, he really did. But he thought, no, he knew you had a crush on Midoriya. 

You waved to your enthusiastic green haired friend and skipped over to Bakugou's table. He quickly shoved the lightning bolt shaped petals in his pocket, and quickly wiped his mouth free of any blood. You sat down and pulled your bento box from your backpack. You began to eat as Bakugou held back another cough.

"Hey sparks." You smiled. Sparks was a nickname he had given you when you first got your quirk.

He eventually excused himself and walked to the bathroom. Your first thought was to follow as he did seem off, but you figured that was weird and you would ask him later.

You made small chat with Kirishima, he was very talkative as normal but something just seemed



In homeroom Bakugou was missing. Aizawa gave Kirishima a raised brow to which the red haired male just nodded.

"That's it." Aizawa mumbled to himself.

"(Last name)!" The tired thirty one year old boomed across the classroom causing everyone to flinch. You turned from your conversation with Midoriya.

"Y-Yes sir." You responded timidly. You hadn't done anything wrong what could he possibly-

"Go check on Bakugou, if he's sick take care of him. You are excused for the day." Everyone's eyes widened. What was going on? Aizawa had never. NEVER let anyone skip class, much less to check on a classmate.

"N-No Mr. Aizawa, you don't understand he's-" Kirishima's protests were cut off by the teacher.

"I'm sick and tired of this crap. I know what I'm doing." He grumbled back to ~*manly*~ first year.

You bowed and took your leave, confusion still evident on your face. You made your way back to the dorms and went to his floor (quick A/N: I couldn't remember what floor Bakugou's room was on and I don't feel like re-watching that episode soooo.) You knocked on the door and heard a quiet 'what'. You tried the handle to see it unlocked. 

"Hey, uh , Mr. Aizawa told me to come check on you..." You trailed off. Your eyes widened at the view in front of you.

Bakugou was leaned up against his bed flowers and flower petals surrounding him. There was blood all over the floor and his white Uniform shirt. He had gotten dressed for school but clearly didn't have the energy to make it.

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