Keigo Takami (Hawks) - fly

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The girl sat in silence on the large abandoned building, staring down at the busy streets below. Her ears waited eagerly for the sound of her boyfriend's footsteps approaching her.

Her mind wandered as she looked over the city she so lovingly protected.

She wondered if one day she could get a better view from the sky, or at least a panoramic picture she could hang on her wall with the other memories she kept.

She shivered pulling her coat around her tighter. She pulled her knees to her chest in an attempt to gather more warmth from herself.

She summoned a large wolf, petting it's ears softly as it laid across her lap.

Quirk: Summoner. User can summon any living thing, whether a real human or a fictional beast. User also gains small traits of said animal such as a wolf's ears or a dragon's wings. Drawback: User shares feeling with the animal, meaning if an animal were to fall or be hurt, user feels it in a more amplified way.

She pet it's large ears as her own unfolded beneath her hood.

Her left ear swiveled as her eyes met her boyfriend's smiling at her newest companion.

"Were you really that cold?" He asked teasingly sitting down next to her as the wolf fell asleep.

"You were taking too long!" She replied with a laugh as his arm wrapped around her pulling her into his warm embrace. The wolf stood up and stretched hopping into the air before disappearing in a cloud of (f/c) smoke.

"Aw! I liked that one! You should have named it first!"

"Keigo, if I had named it you would have gotten even more attached, and tried to keep it."

"I already did!"

She snorted burying her face in his shoulder as the wind nipped at her once again.

His wings pulled her closer, providing a small shield from the wind.

She leaned into him, her heart slowing as her smile turned soft. She closed her eyes enjoying this peaceful moment.

He rested his chin atop her head, his arms wrapping around her as he surveyed the city as she had previously had.

"It's a beautiful day huh?" He whispered smiling softly as she opened her eyes to trace the shape of his palms.

She nodded, silently agreeing the peace was very welcomed.

The two stayed quiet awaiting the dreaded arrival of reporters and paparazzi that were sure to ruin the moment.

He held a stoic expression as he gazed lovingly at the girl in his arms. She remained oblivious, her eyes focused on a rather brightly colored bird that was flapping by.

It was red, with a large wingspan, but not quite a hawk.

She snickered, the resemblance between the bird and her boyfriend being almost too obvious.

He rolled his eyes as she burst into laughter.

She soon calmed down, as the bird flew away, her eyes followed it as it flew towards a rather strange looking tree.

The tree was large, with a large resemblance to the pro hero-

"Oh hi Kamui-san." She greeted her best friend.

He sighed, shooing the bird away from him.

He sat down next to them, looking out at the city.

"I guess we all had the idea of coming up here huh?" Hawks asked, earning a nod from the other pro.

They heard footsteps behind them turning to see Mt. Lady, approaching them. She waved giving a smile.

She sat down as they all made light conversation, all laughing as the group of pro heroes grew larger and larger.

They all looked out over the city, watching the innocent citizens swarm stores as they rushed to get to work or other such ordeals.

Y/n leaned into her boyfriend, willing herself to close her eyes.

She opened them, unsure of the sight before her-

IDK If I should make an angsty ending or a fluffy ending.

Maybe both?

Send help!!!!

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