Bakugou - Canvases aren't always stretched fabric *sd*

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Bakugou laid down on his bed, yawning as he closed his eyes, stretching out across the heavy sheets. Y/n walked in behind him, pausing as she saw him sprawled out across his bed.

She thought for a moment, tapping her chin as a lightbulb went off in her head.

She ran back to the common room.

"Eri!" She called, picking up the small girl as she ran back to her Bakugou's room. Eri giggled quietly, clutching a bag of markers in her small hands.

Y/n set her down outside of the door, holding a finger to her mouth as she quietly opened the door. Sneaking inside as the seven year old followed her quietly. Y/n lifted Eri onto the bed gently setting her next to Bakugou's arm. He was face up one arm draped over his face and the other stretched out next to his side.

Eri uncapped a marker, freezing as Bakugou slightly shifted. He settled again, staying still as a pair of markers ran across his arms. Eri drew a small stick figure of Bakugou on his arm as Y/n drew a few simple flowers on his other arm.

He shifted again, rolling onto his stomach as the back of his arms were exposed.

Y/n held back a laugh as she drew a smiley face on his elbow, switching to a different colored marker.

Eri drew Y/n as a stick figure on the back of his arm, drawing a small heart in between the other drawing of Bakugou.

Bakugou's eyes fluttered open against the pillow, trying to act natural as the seven year old and Y/n drew on his arms, he let a soft smile slip across his lips.

He shifted his legs, giving the girls a new space to draw on, his basketball shorts convenient at the moment.

Y/n packed up the markers, sneaking away with Eri as they ran back to her dorm to laugh.

Bakugou, smiled looking down at his new 'tattoos', He got up, walking into the hallway as he pretended to yawn, 'not hearing' the loud giggling behind him.

Kamanari started wheezing as Bakugou walked into the common room.

"Bro! You look like a finger painting canvas!" Sero laughed, pointing at the multiple smears on his friend's body.

"Yeah, yeah." Bakugou rolled his eyes, opening the fridge as Eri and Y/n walked into the common room, faces faltering as they saw Bakugou.

Bakugou turned his face contorting in 'anger' as he saw Y/n.

"You!" He yelled, she burst out laughing, running down the hallway as Bakugou chased her.

She ran into her room, trying to hold the door closed as she tried to catch her breath, still laughing.

Bakugou easily pushed open the door staring down at the laughing mess on the floor.

It was Y/n of course.

His arm reached down wrapping around her waist as he lifted her to her feet.

His foot closed the door as his other arm also wrapped around her waist.

She leaned her forehead against his head, snorting as she saw the drawings again.

"You're lucky you and Rewind back there are cute, or I would have blown you guys up."

"A-Awe you think I'm cute!" Y/n shot back still recovering from laughing.

"Of course I think you're fucking cute." Bakugou smirked, staring down at her.

She looked up at him, ignoring the small smudges of green marker on his face.

"You're going to have to take a shower."

"You think I'm too stupid to know that?"

"I mean you might be?"

"Okay now I'm a little mad."

"I was kidding!"

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