Bakugou - behind doors *sd*

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I know Sam "you need more sleep" frick you


QUIRK: Any quirk (besides physical ones, like angel, or Jirou's quirk)

Bakugou watched in slight concern as his classmates shuffled into the room, one missing.

She finally opened the door, large eyebags under her eyes, bigger than usual.

"Hey are you-"

"I'm fine." Y/n hissed at Mina, sitting down in her seat staring out the window next to her.

Bakugou glanced at a near-tears Mina, glaring back at Y/n.

"What the hell is your problem-"

"I don't know Bakugou, leave me alone." Y/n deadpanned, cutting Bakugou off. Bakugou stepped back in shock. She was usually so kind? What happened?

Bakugou observed Y/n for the rest of class, watching as she slowly blinked, forcing herself back into reality every time Aizawa spoke.

"Class dismissed." Aizawa called, pulling his sleeping bag out of his desk.

Y/n was the first to leave, silently leaving the classroom, quickly making her way towards the dorms. She stepped into the dorms sighing as she made her way down the hallways and to her room, unknowing of Bakugou at her heels.

She opened the door, closing it as quickly as she had it open. Bakugou leaned against the door his ear pressing against the wood as he listened for sounds.

"Fuck!" She yelled startling him, he leaned back against the door, more wary this time.

He frowned as shaky breathing and the occasional sniffle sounded from her. He reached for the handle freezing as he heard her next sound.

She screamed as loud as she could into a pillow, muffling it but still loud enough for Bakugou to hear.

He took that as the last straw shoving open the door, surprising the girl on the other side.

"What the hell is going on." Bakugou hissed, locking the door behind him.

She sat up straight staying stone-faced as she spoke to him.

"I don't know what you're talking about now get out." She spoke, standing up to oppose him.

"No, you're going to tell me exactly why you're screaming and crying."

"Oh shit you heard that."

"Of fucking course I heard it N/n, I was standing outside of your door!"

"You don't have to yell at me Bakugou."

"Well last time I checked that was the only way to get you to talk-"

"MY QUIRK STOPPED WORKING!" She yelled, slapping a hand over her mouth as she realized what she said. Bakugou froze, his eyes going wide.

"What..." Bakugou trailed off as his eyes met hers.

"Y-You heard me." She whispered, a single tear slipping down her cheek.

"My quirk, stopped." She said more calmly. Bakugou moved without thinking engulfing her in a hug as she fell apart in his arms.

He could feel the fabric of his shirt dampened, her sobbing filling the room as he thought about what to do.

"We need to tell Aizawa." He finalized, gently pulling away from her.

She tried to talk through sobs, failing miserably as she tried to use her quirk, watching as it faded.

Bakugou stared at her in sympathy, bringing her back into a hug as she began to calm down.

"He's going to expel me if I tell him."

"Maybe... He just doesn't want you getting hurt Y/n."

"I'd rather get hurt than disappoint you guys."

"He won't be disappointed Y/n"

"Then why do you pity me."

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