Dabi- Kidnapping, slow dances and new discoveries (pt.2)

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Dabi shoved his hands in his pockets as he looked out the window at the dark alleys.

He looked over his shoulder, seeing his gang happily playing a game of spoons.

"Ow! Toga we said no using knives!"


Dabi smiled a bit at the blonde girls response. His smile faltering as images of his sister and girlfriend flashed through his head. He stood up grabbing his jacket

"And where do you think you're going?" Shigaraki hissed, Dabi rolled his eyes.

"I'll be back in the morning, don't do anything stupid while I'm gone."

Dabi turned walking out the door, he pulled a cigarette out of his pocket, his hands shaky. He made his way across town, his jacket hood pulled low.

He made his way into an abandoned building, walking up to the roof and sitting down on the ledge.

He looked down at his hands, his eyes scanning the burnt skin of his arms, a small fire bouncing between his fingers.

"Dabi?" He turned to see y/n, she wore her hero costume, her eyes soft and pleading. He looked back out at the city as she sat next to him. Her eyes carefully scanned his face, her eyes still glimmering with worry.

She looked down at the fire in his hand, nodding in understanding. She slowly reached out for the scarred hand, ignoring the large amount of heat, she laced her fingers with his, wincing slightly at the small burning.

"You shouldn't do that. You'll be burnt for weeks." He mumbled looking up at her. She smiled softly, reaching her other hand to cup his cheek.

He leaned into her hand, closing his eyes.

"Honey..." She whispered. He opened his eyes again, meeting her gaze.

"Let's go home." He nodded letting her guide him back to her home, she used her flowers with great force propelling them to the field. She landed safely, using an overgrown tree to break her fall.

She led him into the small home, making him a small cup of tea.

"Why were you out so late?" She asked, handing him the mug.

He looked away, out the window and over the field was a large city he terrorized.

And he hated himself for it.

She gasped causing him to look back at her quickly, worried she was okay.

"Dabi! You're bleeding!" She exclaimed pulling a towel from the counter and covering it with water.

"oh..." He mumbled. She reached for his eye trying to dab the towel next to the staples as he set down his mug.

He grabbed her hands forcing her to stay still.


"I'm not bleeding love." He whispered, causing her to stare back in shock.

"I'm crying." He admitted, her eyes widened, setting down the towel and wiping away the small droplets with her thumb.

"Do you want to talk?" He nodded in response leaning into her and sliding his arms around her waist as he cried into her shoulder.

"Why did I make this choice!" He sobbed causing her to rub his back.

A small flame erupted from his back, causing her to wince. He took a step back from her apologizing as she grabbed the wet rag again.

"It's ok, you didn't hurt me..." She cooed turning his body so she could cover the flames in water.

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