4...Midoriya - blanket *sd*

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"Welcome to heroes central! Today I have the honor of being here with number one hero Deku!"

"Hello!" The green haired man waved at the camera, his bright smile causing his eyes to close.

"Okay! So first question..."

As the interview went on, Midoriya kicked his leg out in a relaxed stance, catching the interviewer's attention.

"Oh! I've been meaning to ask, why do you wear so much merchandise for other pro heroes?"

"Oh! Well, I'm just showing my support! They're my heroes too!"

"What's your favorite piece of merch?"

"Hmm... Oh! Okay, little bit of backstory, so my girlfriend is a hero, we live together, and she hates having her picture taken. So, when I walked into hot topic to buy Dynamight merch, I was utterly delighted to see a , really well edited, picture of my girlfriend on a blanket!" The interviewer laughed.

" It was probably one somebody took while she was on patrol, but anyway. I bought their entire stock, even the ones in the back room, because every time my girlfriend sees her merch, she shreds it, we have a Pomeranian we named after our childhood friend, and she lets him absolutely destroy it, we end up finding blanket scraps everywhere. So she always gets so confused and flustered when I just pull out a new one. They're hidden all over the house too, in places she can't reach, even though she has wings, they're too big to fly in any room of our house. It's always hilarious to watch, but I guess the secret is out to her now, oops. I managed to convince her to leave one on our bed too!"

"Well first of all, you heard it here folks! Deku has an official pro-hero girl friend! Second of all, I'm gonna go out on a limb here and suggest the only female pro I know of with wings, Halo? Or, L/n Y/n?"

"Yeah, that's her, I didn't realize this was a secret!"


Y/n sighed as she walked into the living room, a large fluffy blanket with her posing on a rooftop obnoxiously printed on it.

She groaned, whistling and handing the blanket to the small dog who came running into the room at her call, watching happily as he ripped the blanket apart.

"Found another one?" Midoriya teased as he walked into the door of their penthouse, hanging his jacket on the wall and stepping out of his shoes.

"Seriously babe, where did you find all these goddamn blankets!"

"Hey, no cussing before Friday."


"Guess you'll just have to watch my interview with heroes central~" Midoriya smiled, his arms wrapping around the woman tightly in a bear hug.

She sighed again, lifting her face from it's place buried in her boyfriend's chest.

"No interview, cuddles."

Midoriya laughed, hoisting her into his arms and stepping over the blonde dog, still chewing and having the time of his life with the blanket.

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